Shortest travel time:
1 h 49 m
Longest travel time:
2 h 48 m
Lowest train ticket cost:
Avg. daily departures:
Earliest departure:
Latest departure:
Innsbruck train station
Innsbruck Hauptbahnhof
Südtiroler Platz 7 A-6020, Innsbruck, Austria
161 km
Munich train stations
Munich Hauptbahnhof
Bayerstraße 10A, 80335, Munich, Germany
Munich Hauptbahnhof Gl.5-10
Bayerstraße 10A, 80335, Munich, Germany
Munich Hauptbahnhof Gl.27-36
Bayerstraße 10A, 80335, Munich, Germany

Innsbruck to Munich Train Information

A high-speed train is one of the most popular forms of transportation for traveling between the amazing countries of Austria and Germany. Both of them are connected via an extensive rail network going through major cities, and the Innsbruck to Munich railway is among the most popular routes. The train stations are situated close to the city centers and are easily accessible by public transport. The EuroCity trains are a perfect example of what modern trains should be like, equipped with everything you might need during the ride. One more reason why this route is one of the top-picks is that it provides a great opportunity to get from Innsbruck to Munich Airport by train with only one quick train change.

Is there a direct train from Innsbruck to Munich?

Yes, there is. There are several trains on this route but we recommend traveling by EuroCity high-speed trains. They always run on time, depart from the Innsbruck station every 4 hours, and can boast the best onboard amenities.

How long does the train ride from Innsbruck to Munich Airport take?

If you need to get from Innsbruck to the Munich Airport, worry-free train rides are among the best options. The whole journey takes about 2 hours 15 minutes and consists of 2 parts. First, you need to go to the Innsbruck Hbf Station where you can take a high-speed Innsbruck to Munich train. You get off the train on the Munchen Hbf Gleis Station in approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes and go to the Munchen Hbf (Tief) Station to take a Line 8833 train, covering the distance of 33 km (20.5 mi) to the Muenchen Flughafen Terminal Station of the airport in about 30 minutes.

Innsbruck to Munich Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
1 hrs 49 min
1 hrs 49 min
Evening trains
2 hrs 8 min
2 hrs 48 min

Trains on Innsbruck - Munich Route

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
IC (BeNe)
IC (BeNe)
High-speed train
1 hrs 49 min
Bullet train
2 hrs 8 min
Train with 1 change
2 hrs 48 min

Innsbruck to Munich Train Review & Rating

Excellent condition of the train and service, very quick ride

Patty D. about traveling from Innsbruck to Munich