Shortest travel time:
3 h 30 m
Longest travel time:
8 h 36 m
Lowest train ticket cost:
Avg. daily departures:
Earliest departure:
Latest departure:
St. Petersburg
If you are planning a Saint Petersburg trip, it might be useful to check out what to know about the numerous train stations in St. Petersburg. 
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St. Petersburg train station
St. Petersburg
Nevsky Prospect, 85, St. Petesburg, Russia
633 km
The train station system of magnificent Russia's capital can be a bit confusing. Read all you need to know about rail stations in Moscow.
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Moscow train station
Komsomolskaya square 5, Moscow, Russia

St. Petersburg to Moscow Train Information

Traveling between the two stunning Russian capitals is probably the most popular traveler's choice while exploring Russia. Planning to experience Saint Petersburg and Moscow at their best? Select the smartest option on the route which combines comfort, speed, and the best value for money, Russian trains. There are nearly 40 daily departures from Moscovsky Station in St. Petersburg arriving at Leningradsky Station in Moscow. The fastest journey takes about 4 hours and the longest can take up to 9 hours depending on the St. Petersburg to Moscow train you choose. To reduce your time searching for information about the route, in the Q&A below you may find answers to often asked questions as well as browse the St. Petersburg to Moscow train timetable.

How long is the train ride from St. Petersburg to Moscow?

The distance from St. Petersburg to Moscow by train is about 633 km (393 miles). In case you choose to travel by the high-speed train Sapsan, the whole journey will take even less than 4 hours, whereas going by regular or overnight trains is almost twice as long, varying from 8 to 9 hours.

Is there a high-speed train from St. Petersburg to Moscow?

Yes, the smartest and fastest option to take on the route is the high-speed Sapsan train run by Russian Railways. This bullet train from St. Petersburg to Moscow is able to develop the speed of 250 km/h (155 mph), taking you from one city center to another in about 3.5 hours. For the ease of convenience and saving time, Sapsan even beats planes as you don't have to waste time in case of delays (which is a common situation with flights) as well as getting to and from airports (which means additional costs and time) as the high-speed train will transfer you right from city center to city center.

How much does a train ticket from St. Petersburg to Moscow cost?

The prices for train tickets from St. Petersburg to Moscow depend on the following factors: the preferred train type, coach class, travel time, and how in advance the ticket is bought. Averagely, the prices start from 40-50 USD. It's fair to mention that with Rail Ninja you get the opportunity to book tickets 2 years in advance which can save you from unnecessary additional costs compared to booking at the last moment.

St. Petersburg to Moscow Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
3 hrs 30 min
8 hrs 12 min
Afternoon trains
3 hrs 55 min
6 hrs 42 min
Evening trains
3 hrs 45 min
4 hrs 3 min
Night trains
8 hrs 0 min
8 hrs 36 min

Trains on St. Petersburg - Moscow Route

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Russian railways
Russian railways
Comfort night train
8 hrs 14 min
Russian railways
Russian railways
Night train
8 hrs 12 min
Bullet train
3 hrs 30 min
Comfort night train
8 hrs 0 min
Comfort night train
8 hrs 25 min
Express train
6 hrs 42 min
Comfort night train
8 hrs 17 min
Comfort night train
8 hrs 9 min
Comfort night train
8 hrs 36 min
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St. Petersburg to Moscow Train Review & Rating

Excellent journey. I have never experienced such hospitality and comfortable service

Javed Dost about traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow