Shortest travel time:
12 h 33 m
Longest travel time:
12 h 33 m
Lowest train ticket cost:
Avg. weekly departures:
Earliest departure:
Latest departure:
Prague train stations
Prague Main Station
Wilsonova 8, 110 00, Prague, Czechia
Partyzánská 1546/26, 17000, Prague, Czechia
Prague UAN Florenc
Křižíkova 2110/2b, 186 00 , Prague, Czechia
949 km
Zagreb train stations
Zagreb Glavni kolodvor
Trg kralja Tomislava 12, Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb Zapadni Kolodvor
Trg Francuske Republike, Zagreb, Croatia

Prague to Zagreb Train Information

Among the top choices for traveling from Prague to Zagreb is taking a fast and modern train. All high-speed trains running between the cities were designed to offer the passengers everything they might need for a pleasant journey, including several travel classes to choose from, fast travel times (the journey takes about 12.5 hours), and an extensive timetable with up to 7 departures per 7 days. Fantastic onboard amenities are also at your service during the ride. The trains from Prague to Zagreb boast light and spacious carriages, equipped with cushy seats and offering plenty of legroom and generous luggage space. Big panoramic windows are perfect for admiring the spectacular views along the way. Another reason to opt for a train ride from Prague to Zagreb is that the train stations are located close to the city centers and are conveniently accessible by public transport, making it very easy to get around.

Prague to Zagreb Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Departures per week
Afternoon trains
12 hrs 33 min
12 hrs 33 min

Trains on Prague - Zagreb Route

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Departures per week
High-speed train
12 hrs 33 min