
Naples to Rome Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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186 km
Shortest travel time:55 m
Earliest departure:05:14
Longest travel time:1 h 55 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$40
Avg. daily departures:49
Latest departure:22:18

Naples to Rome Train Information

When traveling Italy from Naples to the capital city Rome, taking a bullet train is among the smartest choices. One of the best available transport options is the high-speed Italo train which not only provides great amenities onboard but also boasts very fast travel times, connecting the cities from one center to another in record short times. Learn more about the route below.Turn your railway ride from Naples to Rome into the real journey. Explore the most fascinating attractions of Rome and build a trip of your dream with the help of Italy trip planner.

Popular questions about Naples to Rome Trains

How to get from Naples to Rome by train?

Undoubtedly, one of the most beneficial and convenient ways to travel between these two towns is taking a Naples to Rome train. The trains have very fast connection times, taking you from the central station in Naples to the Termini Station in Rome, both of which are set in the heart of town.

Is there a high-speed train from Naples to Rome?

Yes, there are several quick trains on the route, including the high-speed Italo train and other brands run by Trenitalia (such as Frecciarossa and Intercity).

How fast is the train from Naples to Rome?

The Italo bullet train, running on the route, can travel at speeds of up to 300 kilometers per hour (186 mph). Luckily, there are over 10 daily departure times on the schedule to select from.

How long is train journey from Naples to Rome?

The journey on a direct bullet train between these two historic Italian cities takes as little as 1 hour and 10 minutes.

How far in advance do you have to book a train ticket from Naples to Rome?

Italy is among the most visited countries by tourists in the world, thus when it comes to getting your train tickets from Naples to Rome, it makes sense to plan your connections as early in advance as you can. This way, you'll make sure that you won't encounter high fares or sold-out departures, which is possible when buying tickets on the spot or last-minute.

How much is a train ticket from Naples to Rome?

The price of a ticket depends on several things, including the chosen train, coach class, availability, among others. On the whole, fares start from approximately 49 USD per ticket.

Naples to Rome Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip55 min
Longest trip1 hrs 28 min
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip55 min
Longest trip1 hrs 16 min
Evening trains
Fastest trip55 min
Longest trip1 hrs 10 min
Night trains
Fastest trip1 hrs 12 min
Longest trip1 hrs 12 min

Trains on Naples - Rome route

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