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CP Tog
De som planlegger å reise mye med tog vil mest sannsynlig bruke CP togene som er blant de mest populære langdistansetogene som kjører internasjonale ruter mellom blant andre Portugal, Spania og Frankrike. CP-tog drives av Comboios de Portugal, og tilbyr flere forskjellige reiseklasser å velge mellom, inkludert 1. og 2. klasse. I 2. klasse er setene vanligvis plassert 2+2, mens på 1. klasse er setene som regel plassert 2+1. Alle CP sine togvogner har aircondition, komfortable seter, og god plass for passasjerenes bagasje. De fleste togene har en restaurantvogn hvor de reisende kan kjøpe mat og drikke under turen. Det er også traller hvor man kan kjøpe snacks. Dessuten snakker togpersonalet ett eller to språk, inkludert engelsk.
Reiseklasser ombord CP tog
Economy Class Sete
This class of Alfa Pendular trains provides comfortable seating with enough legroom, folding tables, and enough space for your belongings as well. Seating for passengers with special needs is also available. Onboard the train you will find power sockets and free WiFi for your convenience. Passengers can purchase food from the vending machine and/or a bar car (depending on the route). The transportation of pets with you is also available on the train, while guide dogs travel for free.
Economy Class Sete
This type of cars offers comfortable seating with folding tables, enough legroom, and compartments for your belongings as well. Seating for passengers with special needs is also available. Free WiFi is accessible for your convenience onboard the train. Passengers can purchase food at a buffet car with cafeteria service and light meals (except on the Alentejo line). The transportation of pets with you is also possible on the train.
Economy Class Sete
This class of train cars provides seating with plenty of legroom, folding tables, and a compartment for your belongings as well. Seating for passengers with special needs is also available. Bathrooms are accessible onboard the train.
Business Class-Sete
Such train coaches provide comfortable seating with enough legroom, folding tables, enough space for your belongings, and seating for passengers with special needs as well. There is a media center onboard the coach, with audio and video outlets, as well as power sockets and free WiFi for your convenience. Passengers can purchase food from the vending machine and/or a bar car (depending on the route). The transportation of pets with you is also available on the train, while guide dogs travel for free.
Business Class-Sete
This type of train coaches offers seats with plenty of legroom, folding tables and compartments for your belongings as well. Seating for passengers with special needs is also available. Onboard the train you will find free WiFi at your disposal and electric power sockets commonly available on the coach. Passengers can purchase food at a buffet car with cafeteria service and light meals (except on the Alentejo line). There is a possibility of taking your pet along on this train journey!
Business Class-Sete
Such train cars provide comfortable seating with enough legroom, folding tables, and compartments for personal possessions. Seating for passengers with special needs is also available. Bathrooms are accessible on the train throughout the journey.
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Tog per dag: 5|Populære tog:CP
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