
Prague to Budapest Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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443 km
Shortest travel time:6 h 42 m
Earliest departure:00:36
Longest travel time:10 h 28 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$45
Avg. daily departures:14
Latest departure:23:00

Prague to Budapest Train Information


One of the most comfortable travel options between the capitals of Czechia and Hungary is a RegioJet train from Prague to Budapest. The high-speed Railjet train departs from the central Prague rail station called Praha Hlavni Nadrazi and arrives to the central Budapest train station called Keleti which is a great benefit as it is easy to make your way around the city. The duration of the Prague to Budapest train trip is about 6 hours 25 minutes but time onboard flies by as the train is modern, well-equipped, offers comfortable seats, great service, beautiful views out the large windows, as well as many daily departures and several travel classes.

Popular questions about Prague to Budapest Trains

Prague to Budapest train classes

The Railjet train that runs on the route has three travel classes to select from: Second Class, First Class, and Business Class. All coaches are air-conditioned, have good comfortable seats with fixed or foldable tables, free WiFi. Snacks and drinks can be bought from snack carts or the restaurant car. Learn more about the classes of high-speed Railjet train.

Prague to Budapest Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip6 hrs 42 min
Longest trip7 hrs 53 min
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip6 hrs 42 min
Longest trip7 hrs 7 min
Night trains
Fastest trip7 hrs 5 min
Longest trip10 hrs 28 min

Trains on Prague - Budapest route

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