
Faro to Porto Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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627 km
Shortest travel time:5 h 48 m
Earliest departure:07:00
Longest travel time:6 h 58 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$56
Avg. daily departures:5
Latest departure:18:15

Faro to Porto Train Information

Traveling on a train is a sure way to enhance any trip, especially when it comes to traveling onboard a fast and modern train through sun-kissed Portugal. The Faro - Porto railway route provides some of the most amazing views in the country, and if you are interested in seeing what scenic Portugal has to offer in terms of nature, taking a high-speed train from Faro to Porto is a great way to find out. The trains running between the cities provide an extensive departure schedule and great onboard amenities, including spacious seats with individual power sockets and a good choice for audio and video channels to keep you entertained during the ride. As a rule, you can also find a cafeteria and a minibar onboard. Make your travel plans more far-reaching with Portugal itinerary planner. Follow to explore the most popular Portugal attractions and activities and build your own unforgettable trip!

Popular questions about Faro to Porto Trains

How to get from Faro to Porto?

You can catch a train to Porto at Faro Central station. It takes about 6 hours to reach Porto's Campanha train station, but don't worry as the modern Alfa Pendular trains boast amazing onboard amenities, including multimedia systems and free Wi-Fi.

Is there a direct train from Faro to Porto?

Yes, a high-speed Alfa Pendular train can take you directly from sunny Fato to the charming city of Porto.

Faro to Porto Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip5 hrs 48 min
Longest trip6 hrs 26 min
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip5 hrs 48 min
Longest trip6 hrs 33 min
Evening trains
Fastest trip6 hrs 58 min
Longest trip6 hrs 58 min

Trains on Faro - Porto route

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