Wie van plan is uitgebreid met de trein te reizen, zal waarschijnlijk gebruik maken van treinen met de naam RegioJet-Trein. Deze treinen behoren tot de populairste langeafstandstreinen die rijden op internationale routes tussen onder andere Tsjechië, Hongarije, Slowakije, Oostenrijk. De treinen van RegioJet-Trein worden geëxploiteerd door RegioJet en bieden verschillende treinklassen waaruit je kunt kiezen, waaronder 1e en 2e klas. In de 2e klas zijn de zitplaatsen meestal 2+2 in elke rij, de 1e klas heeft meestal zitplaatsen 2+1. Alle treinwagons van RegioJet-Trein zijn voorzien van airconditioning, comfortabele stoelen en ruime ruimtes voor de bagage van de passagiers. De meeste treinen hebben een Bistro of Restaurantwagon waar reizigers eten en drinken kunnen kopen tijdens de reis, plus trolleys met snacks die ook te koop zijn. Bovendien spreekt het treinpersoneel één of twee talen, waaronder Engels.
Reisklassen aan boord van RegioJet trein
Economy Class Stoel
RegioJet Economy Class offers a comfortable and affordable travel experience. Passengers can enjoy plush, non-adjustable seats in spacious coaches with a capacity of 80 people, ensuring a relaxing journey. Wi-Fi is provided for free throughout the trip, making it easy to stay connected, all while benefiting from the lowest available prices for an uninterrupted and pleasant journey. -
Economy Class +
Seat in an open-space car or in a compartment for 6 passengers. Coffee and water are provided free of charge; as are newspapers and magazines. Seats are fitted with LCD screens with many forms of entertainment. Passengers with small children will appreciate our special kids’ compartment where the smallest passengers can play and entertain themselves
1e klasse stoel
Modern open space car, built-in multimedia screens in seats, or spacious tables. Adjustable leather or plush seats with headrests. Entertainment portal and Wi-Fi are also available. Coffee and water are provided for free, as are newspapers and magazines
Business Class Stoel
Guarantee of own coupe for closed groups of 1-4 persons. Leather seats, entertainment portal, Wi-Fi. Water, coffee, juice or sparkling wine are provided free of charge, as are newspapers and magazines. Onboard menu with a variety of snacks and beverages is available.
4-persoons slaapbank
Compartments for 4 travelers, usually, it is possible to travel in gender-sensitive compartments. Each one comes with air-conditioning, lockable door, and a large panoramic window, sometimes a media streamer is available. A meal, vanity kit, bed linen set, bottled water as well as newspapers are included in the ticket price. Meals, drinks, and snacks can be purchased in the Restaurant car.
4-persoons cabine
Sleeper compartment for up to 3 people. Each one comes with air-conditioning, a lockable door, and a large panoramic window, sometimes a media streamer is available. A meal, vanity kit, bed linen set, bottled water as well as newspapers are included in the ticket price. Meals, drinks, and snacks can be purchased in the Restaurant car.
6-persoons slaapbank
Take a journey by night train. In the coach you will find bedding, a pillow and a blanket. In the morning we will wake you up with a croissant and coffee. Our security service will make sure you get a good night's sleep.
3-persoons cabine
Enjoy a full night's sleep and comfort in the privacy of your coupe. We will provide you with bed linen, a pillow and a blanket. We will make your morning more enjoyable with a tasty breakfast and fresh coffee.r
Populaire treinroutes
Rijeka777 kmBratislavaTreinen per dag: 3|Populaire treinen:
Regio Jet
Košice518 kmPraagTreinen per dag: 3|Populaire treinen:Regio Jet
Praag517 kmKošiceTreinen per dag: 3|Populaire treinen:Regio Jet
Treinen per dag: 8|Populaire treinen:Regio Jet
Treinen per dag: 12|Populaire treinen:Regio Jet
Treinen per dag: 21|Populaire treinen:Regio Jet
Treinen per dag: 11|Populaire treinen:
Regio Jet
Rijeka777 kmBratislavaTreinen per dag: 3|Populaire treinen:
Regio Jet
Košice518 kmPraagTreinen per dag: 3|Populaire treinen:Regio Jet
Praag517 kmKošiceTreinen per dag: 3|Populaire treinen:
Regio Jet
Treinen per dag: 8|Populaire treinen:Regio Jet
Treinen per dag: 12|Populaire treinen:
Regio Jet
Treinen per dag: 21|Populaire treinen:Regio Jet
Treinen per dag: 11|Populaire treinen:
Regio Jet