
Faro to Lisbon Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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295 km
Shortest travel time:2 h 56 m
Earliest departure:07:00
Longest travel time:4 h 23 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$32
Avg. departures per 10 days:70
Latest departure:18:15

Faro to Lisbon Train Information


Without a doubt, taking a well-equipped Faro to Lisbon train is among the most spectacular ways to get around sunny Portugal. There are high-speed Alfa Pendular and express Intercidades trains running between the scenic cities. The high-speed Alfa Pendular travel time is about 3 hours while an Intercidades train can cover the distance between the cities in approximately 3 hours 30 minutes. But regardless of which train you prefer for the journey, rest assured that both of them are very safe and boast cushy seats, ample luggage space, as well as generous legroom. Keep in mind that most of the Alfa Pendular trains also offer power sockets and Wi-Fi during the ride. Wondering how to make your trip to Lisbon even more special? Plan your Portugal itinerary in advance and fully customize your journey. Choose among the hundreds of attractions and most popular tourist spots and make the most of your Portugal getaway! Moreover, find more info about how to get from Faro to Lisbon and create your perfect itinerary.

Popular questions about Faro to Lisbon Trains

Is there a direct train from Faro to Lisbon?

Yes, you can travel from Faro to Lisbon by a direct train! Both cities are served by express Intercidades and high-speed Alfa Pendular trains. The approximate travel times are 3 hrs 20 min and 2 hrs 50 min, respectively.

Is a train ride from Faro to Lisbon scenic?

Yes, the Faro to Porto railway route is very scenic, and the beautiful landscapes outside the train window won't let you get bored during the trip.

Faro to Lisbon Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip3 hrs 5 min
Longest trip3 hrs 34 min
Departures per 10 days30
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip3 hrs 5 min
Longest trip4 hrs 23 min
Departures per 10 days30
Evening trains
Fastest trip3 hrs 41 min
Longest trip3 hrs 41 min
Departures per 10 days10

Trains on Faro - Lisbon route

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