
Stockholm to Gothenburg Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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398 km
Shortest travel time:4 h 23 m
Earliest departure:05:26
Longest travel time:6 h 41 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$72
Avg. daily departures:14
Latest departure:18:07

Stockholm to Gothenburg Train Information

Don't miss your chance to experience Sweden at its best and choose the most convenient option for your Stockholm - Gothenburg travel, a comfortable train journey. Direct high-speed SJ trains run by Swedish Rail, depart from the Stockholm Central Train Station and take you to the Central Station in Gothenburg, located right in the heart of the scenic city, in 3.5 - 4.5 hours, reaching the astonishing top speed of 200 km/h (125 mph). They offer several daily departures depending on the weekday. Find out everything you need to know about the route, check the detailed Stockholm - Gothenburg train timetable, and book rail tickets with Rail Ninja, curated route planning, expert advice & online booking platform for European trains.

Popular questions about Stockholm to Gothenburg Trains

What trains run between Stockholm and Gothenburg?

The Stockholm - Gothenburg railway route is serviced by fast and modern high-speed SJ trains, operated by Swedish State Railways. They provide everything you need for a comfortable ride as well as offer several daily departures.

Is Wi-Fi available onboard a Stockholm to Gothenburg train?

Yes, all SJ trains are very well-equipped and offer to take advantage of complimentary Wi-Fi during the journey.

Stockholm to Gothenburg Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip4 hrs 28 min
Longest trip6 hrs 41 min
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip4 hrs 23 min
Longest trip6 hrs 30 min
Evening trains
Fastest trip4 hrs 23 min
Longest trip4 hrs 23 min

Trains on Stockholm - Gothenburg route

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