Frecciargento 기차 여행
기차로 여행을 많이 가실 계획이신 분들은 볼로냐, 토리노, 베니스, 피렌체 간 국제노선을 운행하는 장거리 열차 중 가장 인기 있는 High-speed train 열차를 가장 많이 사용하실 것입니다. Frecciargento 에서 운영하는 High-speed train 열차는 1등석 및 2등석을 포함하여 선택할 수 있는 여러 열차 클래스를 제공합니다. 2등석은 일반적으로 각 열에 2+2석이 배치되고, 1등석은 일반적으로 2+1석이 배치됩니다. 모든 High-speed train 열차 차량에는 에어컨이 설치되어 있으며 편안한 좌석과 승객의 수하물을 위한 넓은 공간이 있습니다. 대부분의 기차에는 여행자가 여행 중에 음식과 음료를 구입할 수 있는 비스트로 또는 레스토랑 차량이 있으며, 간식을 구매할 수 있는 트롤리도 있습니다. 또한, 열차 직원은 영어를 포함하여 한두 가지 언어를 구사합니다.
여행 클래스 탑승 Frecciargento 열차
이코노미 클래스 좌석
This travel class offers comfortable seats with a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), a courtesy light on the seat, power sockets, and on some routes there is free WiFi. Seats are arranged 2 by 2, snacks and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. Seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. -
1 등석 좌석
This travel class offers comfortable seats with a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), a courtesy light on the seat, power sockets, and on some routes there is free WiFi. Seats are arranged 2 by 1, newspapers are provided on morning departures. A light snack with tea and water is included in the ticket price for departures from Sunday to Friday, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. Seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
비즈니스 클래스 좌석
This travel class offers comfortable seats with a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), a courtesy light on the seat, power sockets, and on some routes there is free WiFi. Seats are arranged 2 by 1, newspapers are provided on morning departures. A light snack with tea and water is included in the ticket price for departures from Sunday to Friday, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. Seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
인기있는 열차 노선
필터 기준
필터 기준