
Valencia to Madrid Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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389 km
Shortest travel time:1 h 56 m
Earliest departure:06:57
Longest travel time:5 h 47 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$38
Avg. daily departures:23
Latest departure:21:12

Valencia to Madrid Train Information


Enjoy countless mesmerizing landscapes passing by the outside of the window while the comfortable train takes you from colorful Valencia to fabulous Madrid. Unlike airports, train stations in both towns are centrally located and can be easily reached by public transportation, so there is no need to spend your precious travel time on transfers. An absolute icon of Spanish railways, the AVE high-speed train, is undoubtedly the fastest option on the route as it traverses the distance of 389 km (241 mi) in a bit less than 2 hours. Learn more about the Spanish rail service and book your train tickets from Valencia to Madrid on Rail Ninja within a few clicks. The train ride from Valencia to Madrid is surely a great way to explore the best that Spain has to offer in terms of nature. But what about the famous sights of the country? Triptile, the one-of-a-kind Spain trip planner, is a great platform that knows everything there is to know about a perfect Spain holiday and can help you build an itinerary of your dreams in a matter of several minutes.

Popular questions about Valencia to Madrid Trains

Is there a direct train from Valencia to Madrid?

Yes, you can travel from Valencia to Madrid directly by train.

Is there a high-speed Valencia to Madrid train?

Yes, there are high-speed bullet trains connecting Valencia to Madrid.

How do I get from Valencia to Madrid?

You can catch a train to Madrid at the Joaquin Sorolla, Estació del Nord, or Sant Isidre train stations in Valencia.

Valencia to Madrid Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip1 hrs 56 min
Longest trip5 hrs 47 min
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip1 hrs 56 min
Longest trip3 hrs 36 min
Evening trains
Fastest trip2 hrs 0 min
Longest trip2 hrs 16 min
Night trains
Fastest trip2 hrs 6 min
Longest trip2 hrs 6 min

Trains on Valencia - Madrid route

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