
Seoul to Busan Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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417 km
Shortest travel time:2 h 10 m
Earliest departure:05:13
Longest travel time:5 h 55 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$35
Avg. daily departures:108
Latest departure:22:49

Seoul to Busan Train Information


South Korea is a destination which is gaining more and more popularity among travelers worldwide. As such, making your way from Seoul to Busan on a modern KTX bullet train has recently become somewhat of a route classic, taking you across the country from north to south in record-fast travel times. Among the simplest ways to get around in Korea is taking fast and modern trains, below we have put together answers to commonly asked questions about the Seoul - Busan rail route. This journey not only saves time but also provides a glimpse into the heart of Korea’s rich culture and scenery.

Popular questions about Seoul to Busan Trains

How long does it take from Seoul to Busan by bullet train KTX?

The shortest Seoul to Busan train time is 2 hours 15 minutes. The longest ride takes about 3 hours 25 minutes. The KTX train has an extensive rail schedule and provides more than 20 daily departure times, starting from around 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Is there a direct train between Seoul and Busan?

The KTX Seoul to Busan train is a direct high-speed travel option, requiring no train changes. It makes a limited number of scheduled short stops along the way and is the most convenient transportation mode between the cities, noted for its short travel time and comfortable amenities.

How to book train tickets from Seoul to Busan?

Apart from the option of purchasing tickets from the ticket desks or special automated machines directly at the rail stations in South Korea (which sell tickets only as far as 1 month in advance), the best way to get tickets is online. Here on Rail Ninja, we offer you the opportunity to easily book tickets for the high-speed KTX Seoul to Busan train as early as 1 year in advance.

Do you need to book a train ticket for Seoul-Busan in advance?

The Seoul - Busan train route is the most popular one in entire South Korea, and for this reason, in order to safeguard yourself from no or little availability for the date and time of travel that you prefer, it is wise to book your rail tickets well ahead of time. On Rail Ninja, you may book South Korea train tickets online for travel dates that are as far as one year ahead.

How much is a train ticket from Seoul to Busan?

The KTX Seoul to Busan price for tickets depends on several things, including the type of chosen travel class, the day of the week the train is departing, as well as on whether you're buying tickets in advance or last-minute. Generally, prices start from around 60 USD per ticket.

Where is the train station in Seoul to Busan?

Those who plan to travel from Seoul to Busan on train usually depart from the main station in the city - Seoul Station which is located in the Bongnae-dong and Dongja-dong districts in the heart of town. The station can be easily reached by public transport, including the subway.

Seoul to Busan Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip2 hrs 10 min
Longest trip5 hrs 51 min
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip2 hrs 18 min
Longest trip5 hrs 55 min
Evening trains
Fastest trip2 hrs 28 min
Longest trip4 hrs 39 min
Night trains
Fastest trip2 hrs 22 min
Longest trip3 hrs 9 min

Trains on Seoul - Busan route

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