
Daegu to Seoul Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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310 km
Shortest travel time:1 h 39 m
Earliest departure:05:58
Longest travel time:4 h 22 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$26
Avg. daily departures:99
Latest departure:22:57

Daegu to Seoul Train Information


Daegu to Seoul high-speed train run by KTX is definitely one of the most convenient ways to journey between the two cities as it will take you from both Dongdaegu station or Daegu station to Seoul Central Station in just about 2 hours. High-speed Intercity train Mugunghwa, as well as express trains ITX-Saemaul and ITX, provide an amazing opportunity to travel with comfort though the trip will take approximately 3,5 hours. It is worth considering that ticket prices are almost the same for each type of train, so ardent train journey enthusiasts who value fast connections will be satisfied. With about 91 bullet train departures depending on the weekday, an extensive train schedule allows you to plan your upcoming adventure absolutely worry-free. Already feel inspired to tour South Korea? Check Daegu to Seoul trains timetable and book the best tickets with Rail Ninja, the online booking platform for European trains.

Popular questions about Daegu to Seoul Trains

How far is Daegu from Seoul?

The distance from Daegu to Seoul by train is approximately 310 kilometers (193 miles).

How do I get from Daegu to Seoul?

To get from Daegu to Seoul by rail, you need you to select one of the trains serving the Gyeongbu line. With KTX high-speed trains, the longest ride will take you around 2 hours, making them one the best travel options on this route. Your arrival point is Seoul Central Station, which is beneficially nestled in the center of South Korea's heart.

Daegu to Seoul Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip1 hrs 45 min
Longest trip4 hrs 15 min
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip1 hrs 43 min
Longest trip4 hrs 22 min
Evening trains
Fastest trip1 hrs 45 min
Longest trip3 hrs 41 min
Night trains
Fastest trip1 hrs 39 min
Longest trip2 hrs 0 min

Trains on Daegu - Seoul route

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