Viaggio in treno SJ

Gestiti dalle Ferrovie dello Stato svedesi, i treni SJ sono orgogliosamente tra i mezzi di trasporto più popolari nel Paese. Coprendo più di 18 rotte, SJ offre servizi ferroviari tra tutte le famose destinazioni turistiche della regione come Oslo, Stoccolma, Göteborg, Linkoping e Malmo per citarne alcuni. Per garantire a ogni ospite un viaggio piacevole, i treni ad alta velocità SJ offrono 2 classi tra cui scegliere: (Economy e Business). Tutti i vagoni sono dotati di sedili spaziosi e comodi, portabagagli, bagni puliti, prese elettriche e ampio spazio per le gambe. Tutti i passeggeri sono invitati a utilizzare il WiFi gratuito mentre si godono il viaggio. Inoltre, oltre ai fantastici servizi a bordo, questi treni moderni sono noti per la loro puntualità e l'impressionante velocità di 200 km/h!

Classi di viaggio al bordo di treno SJ 3000

    • SJ Train 2nd Class (img 1)
    • SJ Train 2nd Class
    • SJ Train


    This travel class on SJ trains offers comfortable seats with enough legroom, a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), power sockets, and free WiFi. Generally, seats are arranged 2 by 2, seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. Passengers may purchase food and snacks in the train's Restaurant Car.
    • SJ Train 1st Class (img 4)
    • SJ Train 1st Class (img 1)
    • SJ Train 1st Class (img 3)
    • SJ Train

    1ª Classe

    This travel class on SJ trains offers more comfortable seats with extra seating space and ample legroom, a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), power sockets and free WiFi. Generally, seats are arranged 2 by 1, seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. A light breakfast with tea/coffee is included for morning arrivals and it is possible to pre-order food if you're traveling in the daytime, moreover, additional food and snacks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car.
    • SJ Train 1st Class (img 4)
    • SJ Train 1st Class (img 1)
    • SJ Train 1st Class (img 3)
    • SJ Train


    This travel class on SJ trains offers more comfortable seats with extra seating space and ample legroom, a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), power sockets and free WiFi. Generally, seats are arranged 2 by 1, seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. Food and snacks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car.
    • SJ Train 1st Class (img 4)
    • SJ Train 1st Class (img 1)
    • SJ Train 1st Class (img 3)
    • SJ Train

    1ª Classe

    This travel class on SJ trains offers more comfortable seats with extra seating space and ample legroom, a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), power sockets and free WiFi. Generally, seats are arranged 2 by 1, seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. A light breakfast with tea/coffee is included for morning arrivals and it is possible to pre-order food if you're traveling in the daytime, moreover, additional food and snacks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car.
    • SJ Train 1st Class (img 4)
    • SJ Train 1st Class (img 1)
    • SJ Train 1st Class (img 3)
    • SJ Train


    This travel class on SJ trains offers more comfortable seats with extra seating space and ample legroom, a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), power sockets and free WiFi. Generally, seats are arranged 2 by 1, seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. Food and snacks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car.
    • SJ Train 2nd Class (img 1)
    • SJ Train 2nd Class
    • SJ Train


    This travel class on SJ trains offers comfortable seats with enough legroom, a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), power sockets, and free WiFi. Generally, seats are arranged 2 by 2, seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. Passengers may purchase food and snacks in the train's Restaurant Car.