Rail Ninja è un servizio di prenotazione per l'acquisto di biglietti del treno online. Non è un operatore ferroviario, non possiede né gestisce treni e non rappresenta il sito ufficiale di nessuna compagnia ferroviaria. È un'azienda commerciale che rende più facile la prenotazione dei biglietti del treno online.
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Treni Moderni Thello

Viaggiare tra i meravigliosi Paesi della Francia e dell'Italia non è mai stato così facile grazie ai treni Thello! Passando tra queste due famose destinazioni di viaggio, i treni Thello offrono un servizio fantastico e un comfort unico durante il viaggio, che può trasformare qualsiasi normale viaggio in treno in un'avventura emozionante. Per migliorare la tua esperienza di viaggio, i treni offrono due classi di viaggio tra cui scegliere. Sebbene entrambe siano molto ben attrezzate, ci sono diversi vantaggi del viaggio in prima classe che bisogna prendere in considerazione prima di acquistare i biglietti. Ad esempio , più spazio per le gambe, ambiente più tranquillo e disposizione dei sedili 2+1 (al contrario del classimo schema 2+2 della seconda classe), solo per citarne alcuni.Non c'è il Wi-Fi a bordo, ma ci sono diverse prese di corrente in ogni carrozza. Tieni presente che sebbene ci sia un bar su ogni vagone, in cui si possono acquistare snack, tè/caffè e varie bevande analcoliche e alcoliche, puoi portarti il cibo a bordo.

Classi di viaggio al bordo di treno Thello


    This class on Thello trains offers comfortable seats with a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat) and power sockets. Seats of this type are arranged 2 by 1. Food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. Passengers can also indicate their preference to sit in a Silent Car of the train while booking the ticket. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required


    This class on Thello trains offers comfortable seats with a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat) and power sockets. Seats of this type are arranged 2 by 2. Food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. Passengers can also indicate their preference to sit in a Silent Car of the train while booking the ticket. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required
    • Thello sleeper train 6-sleeper (img 2)
    • Thello sleeper train 6-sleeper (img 1)
    • Thello sleeper train outside

    Scomparto 6-persone

    This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments with 6 beds, ideally suitable for group travel. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket. A bed linen set, as well as tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required
    • Thello sleeper train 4-sleeper (img 1)
    • Thello sleeper train 4-sleeper (img 2)
    • Thello sleeper train outside

    Scomparto 4-perone

    This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments with 4 beds, ideally suitable for a family trip. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket. A bed linen set, as well as tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required
    • Thello sleeper train single sleeper (img 1)
    • Thello sleeper train single sleeper (img 2)
    • Thello sleeper train outside

    Cabina a 1 letto

    This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments for 1 traveler. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket and wash basin. A bed linen set, as well as a light meal, tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required
    • Thello sleeper train 2-sleeper (img 2)
    • Thello sleeper train 2-sleeper (img 1)

    Scomparto 3-perone

    This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments for 3 travelers. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket and wash basin. A bed linen set, as well as a light meal, tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required
    • Thello sleeper train 2-sleeper (img 2)
    • Thello sleeper train 2-sleeper (img 1)

    Dormitorio a 2 letti

    This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments for 2 travelers. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket and wash basin. A bed linen set, as well as a light meal, tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required