Comboio de alta velocidade Eurostar

Os comboios de alta velocidade Eurostar, que ligam as capitais da França e da Inglaterra, estão entre as opções mais inteligentes de economia de tempo quando viajam de comboio de Paris a Londres e na rota inversa. O moderno comboio de alta velocidade Eurostar é rápido e conveniente e viaja a uma velocidade máxima de 300 kilómetros por hora (186 mph). Além disso, há muitas opções de partidas diárias para escolher - mais de 10 por dia. Os comboios com ar condicionado tem 3 classes de viagem: Standard, Standard Premier e Business Premier. A bordo, você pode encontrar assentos espaçosos e confortáveis com bastante espaço para as pernas, tomadas individuais, bem como espaço suficiente para bagagem e bagagem de mão. Também o WiFi está disponível gratuitamente durante toda a viagem. Os passageiros podem escolher algo para comer no café a bordo e no buffet do bar, que proporciona refeições e bebidas.

Aulas de Viagem A Bordo Eurostar Comboio

    • Eurostar Standard seats1
    • Exterior
    • Eurostar Standard seats
    • Eurostar Standard power
    • Eurostar Standard luggage
    • Eurostar Standard luggage1

    Eurostar Standard

    This class offers comfortable seats with armrests, a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), and enough legroom. The train is equipped with power sockets and free WiFi, seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. Travelers may also purchase snacks in the train's Restaurant Car.
    • Eurostar Standard Premier 2seats
    • Exterior
    • Eurostar Standard Premier seats
    • Eurostar Standard Premier table
    • Eurostar Standard Premier
    • Eurostar Standard luggage1
    • Eurostar Standard power

    Eurostar Plus

    This class of Eurostar trains offers comfortable seats with enough legroom and a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat). The train is equipped with power sockets and free WiFi, seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. A light meal with tea and water is included in the ticket price. Passengers can purchase food from the vending machine and/or food trolley.
    • Eurostar Business seats1
    • Exterior
    • Eurostar Business seats
    • Eurostar Business meal
    • Eurostar Standard luggage1
    • Eurostar Standard power
    • Eurostar Standard Premier seats

    Eurostar Premier

    This class on Eurostar trains is the most comfortable one of the available options. It offers great seats with enough legroom and a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat). The train is equipped with power sockets and free WiFi, seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. A light meal with tea and water is included in the ticket price, food can be purchased from the vending machine and/or food trolley too. Passengers can also indicate their preference to sit in a Silent Car of the train while booking the ticket.