Comboios Modernos Thello
Viajar entre os fantásticos países da França e da Itália nunca foi tão fácil graças aos comboios Thello! Ligando ambos os destinos populares, os comboios Thello oferecem um fantástico serviço e conforto durante a viagem, que transforma qualquer experiência de viagem normal numa aventura entusiasmante. Para melhorar as suas experiências de viagem, os comboios oferecem duas classes de viagem por onde escolher. Ainda que ambos estejam bem-equipados, há vários benefícios de viagem de primeira classe que deve considerar antes da compra dos bilhetes. Por exemplo, mais espaço para pernas, uma atmosfera mais calma, e lugares organizados 2+1 (em contraste com o esquema 2+2 da segunda-classe), entre outras. Não há WiFi disponível a bordo, mas há várias tomadas elétricas em todas as carruagens. Lembre-se que ainda que haja um ótimo café em cada carruagem onde pode comprar snacks, chá/café, assim como bebidas alcóolicas e não-alcóolicas, pode levar comida a bordo.
Aulas de Viagem A Bordo Thello Comboio
This class on Thello trains offers comfortable seats with a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat) and power sockets. Seats of this type are arranged 2 by 1. Food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. Passengers can also indicate their preference to sit in a Silent Car of the train while booking the ticket. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
This class on Thello trains offers comfortable seats with a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat) and power sockets. Seats of this type are arranged 2 by 2. Food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. Passengers can also indicate their preference to sit in a Silent Car of the train while booking the ticket. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
Dormitório para 6
This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments with 6 beds, ideally suitable for group travel. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket. A bed linen set, as well as tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
Dormitório para 4
This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments with 4 beds, ideally suitable for a family trip. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket. A bed linen set, as well as tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
Cabine com 1 cama
This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments for 1 traveler. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket and wash basin. A bed linen set, as well as a light meal, tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
Dormitório para 3
This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments for 3 travelers. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket and wash basin. A bed linen set, as well as a light meal, tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
Dormente de 2 camas
This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments for 2 travelers. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket and wash basin. A bed linen set, as well as a light meal, tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
Rotas de Trem Populares
Comboios por dia: 4|Comboios populares:
Milão301 kmMonacoMônaco
Monaco301 kmMilãoMônaco
Comboios por dia: 8|Comboios populares:BeNe
Comboios por dia: 7|Comboios populares:BeNe
Comboios por dia: 7|Comboios populares:
Comboios por dia: 4|Comboios populares:
Milão301 kmMonaco
Monaco301 kmMilãoMônaco
Comboios por dia: 8|Comboios populares:BeNe
Comboios por dia: 7|Comboios populares:
Comboios por dia: 7|Comboios populares: