
Madrid to Lisbon Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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502 km
Shortest travel time:7 h 30 m
Earliest departure:09:00
Longest travel time:10 h 0 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$70
Avg. departures per 3 days:12
Latest departure:23:30

Madrid to Lisbon Train Information

Are you planning a long-distance trip around Europe? Then think about choosing a Renfeā€™s night train service for your memorable journey, as this is an ideal opportunity to have some good rest on your way to the final destination. Providing a fast and comfortable connection between fabulous Madrid and astonishing Lisbon, these modern trains traverse the distance of 502 km (311 mi) in about 10 hours. Using Rail Ninja, you can find useful information about the route, available travel classes and book your Madrid to Lisbon train tickets 2 years before the chosen travel date.

Popular questions about Madrid to Lisbon Trains

What is the best way to travel from Madrid to Lisbon?

Taking a fast and modern train is surely one of the smartest ways to travel between sun-kissed Spain and lovely Portugal, as it promises fast travel times, unmatchable comfort, and great service.

Is there a direct train from Madrid to Lisbon?

Yes, there is a direct Renfeā€™s night train running between the cities, boasting fast travel speed, extensive timetable, and fantastic onboard amenities

How long is the train ride from Madrid to Lisbon?

As mentioned above, the Madrid - Lisbon train by Renfe prides itself on fast travel times and can take you between the capitals of Spain and Portugal in just 10 hours!

How much is a train from Madrid to Lisbon?

As you know, the price of the train tickets depends on several factors. For example, a last-minute ticket is likely to cost more than the one booked in advance. Or traveling in the first class is a bit more pricey than the second-class tickets. So it's impossible to talk about the Madrid to Lisbon train tickets cost without considering these aspects. On average, be prepared to pay about 45 USD per ticket.

Madrid to Lisbon Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip7 hrs 54 min
Longest trip9 hrs 29 min
Departures per 3 days6
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip7 hrs 59 min
Longest trip7 hrs 59 min
Departures per 3 days3
Night trains
Fastest trip7 hrs 30 min
Longest trip7 hrs 30 min
Departures per 3 days3

Trains on Madrid - Lisbon route

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