
Flam to Oslo Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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226 km
Shortest travel time:5 h 37 m
Earliest departure:00:15
Longest travel time:7 h 25 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$98
Avg. daily departures:7
Latest departure:16:50

Flam to Oslo Train Information


Without any doubt, taking a fast and modern train is among the smartest ways to travel between the scenic Norwegian cities of Flam and Oslo. Norway's railway system is very developed and connects all the major population centers of the country. The trains serving the Flam - Oslo rail are very advanced, they provide everything you might need for a comfortable ride, including cushy seats, ample luggage space, and more than enough legroom. Plus, Norway is a very picturesque country and a Flam - Oslo train ride is a great way to admire the beauty of this one-of-a-kind place. Turn your railway ride from Flam to Oslo into the real journey. Explore the most fascinating attractions of Oslo and build a trip of your dream with the help of Norway trip planner.

Popular questions about Flam to Oslo Trains

Is there a direct train from Flam to Oslo?

No, unfortunately, there isn't. Traveling between the beautiful cities by train requires a quick transport change at the Myrdal Central Station, one of the most scenic rail hubs in Norway, located high in the mountains. But don't worry, the trains running on the route boast the top speed up to 210 km/h (130 mph), easily making up for a time you loose on a change.

How long is the train ride from Flam to Oslo?

As a rule, your rail journey from Flam to Oslo shouldn't take longer than 6 hours 30 minutes (including the train change in Myrdal, mentioned above).

Do I need to book Flam to Oslo train tickets in advance?

Yes, we strongly advise booking your tickets at least several months before the trip. Both cities are popular travel destinations in Norway, so it's no surprise that the Flam - Oslo rail tickets are in demand and get sold out fast. To help you plan your Scandinavian adventure, our online service Rail Ninja boasts a user-friendly interface and allows purchasing railway tickets in a matter of several minutes.

Flam to Oslo Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip6 hrs 5 min
Longest trip7 hrs 25 min
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip5 hrs 37 min
Longest trip6 hrs 45 min

Trains on Flam - Oslo route

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