
Salzburg to Budapest Trains


Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.


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552 km
Shortest travel time:5 h 12 m
Earliest departure:03:53
Longest travel time:5 h 26 m
Lowest train ticket cost:$73
Avg. daily departures:8
Latest departure:19:07

Salzburg to Budapest Train Information


If you need to plan a journey from the amazing Austrian city of Salzburg to the fairytale capital of Hungary, there is no better choice than a stress-free train ride. There is no direct airline route between the cities, and taking a bus means a longer and less comfortable ride, which relies a lot on the current traffic situation. A high-speed Salzburg to Budapest train will take you between the cities in approximately 5 hours. It was designed for comfortable travel and you are welcome to take advantage of the nice seats with folding tables, power sockets, a restaurant car, complimentary Wi-Fi, and the children’s cinema during the ride.

Popular questions about Salzburg to Budapest Trains

How do I get from Salzburg to Budapest?

The most comfortable way to travel between the amazing cities is by taking a high-speed Railjet or Railjet Xpress train. They boast impeccable punctuality, fast travel times, and, most importantly, excellent onboard amenities to enhance your trip.

Is there a direct train from Salzburg to Budapest?

Yes, the high-speed Railjet trains mentioned above are direct. There is no need to lose time on a train change, so you can make a journey from Austria to Hungary in just a bit over 5 hours.

Salzburg to Budapest Train Timetable

Morning trains
Fastest trip5 hrs 12 min
Longest trip5 hrs 26 min
Afternoon trains
Fastest trip5 hrs 12 min
Longest trip5 hrs 12 min
Evening trains
Fastest trip5 hrs 12 min
Longest trip5 hrs 12 min

Trains on Salzburg - Budapest route

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