Budapeszt - Wiedeń Informacje o pociągu
How long is the train journey from Budapest to Vienna?
The average travel time of the Budapest to Vienna train is 2 hours and 40 minutes. This concerns both bullet trains running on the route, Railjet and EuroCity, operated by OBB.
Is the train ride from Budapest to Vienna scenic?
The route connecting the capital of Hungary with the capital of Austria is quite nice as the train makes its way through the countryside of northwest Hungary and eastern Austria, passing numerous small towns, rivers, and rural areas.
How much is a train ticket from Budapest to Vienna?
The prices for train tickets from Budapest to Vienna will vary depending on how much time before the trip you purchase them (in advance vs last minute), which travel class you want (1st, 2nd, Business), whether your trip is planned for the high travel season or the low tourist season, among other criteria. On the whole, you can count on average ticket prices starting from 65 USD.
Do you need to reserve a seat in advance?
When booking your Budapest - Vienna tickets on Rail Ninja, a seat will be assigned to you. You may indicate your preferences, for instance, "window seat" or "aisle seat", and we'll do our best to assign the seat based on current availability.