Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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5743 Flåm, Flam, Norway

Hareina Station is a railway station in Aurland, Norway, on the Flam Line. It is 17.21 kilometers (10.69 mi) from Myrdal Station and 353.01 kilometers (219.35 mi) from Oslo Central Station. The Hareina station opened on 1 August 1940. The route runs from 2 meters above sea level to 866.8 meters above sea level. It is the steepest railway in Europe. And the first train passed this line on 10 February 1941. Also interesting to know that the railway was built by 280 workers.

Sneak Peek Inside the Hareina Station

To help you better understand what Flam's train station looks like, consider watching the video below.



What to Know About Hareina Station


Is there any hostel near the station?

Near the station, you can find Gjørven Hytter, which is a picturesque place to stay.

How many platforms at the station?

At the Hareina station, there is one platform in use.


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