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Frecciargento Zugreisen

Die Frecciargento oder "Silberpfeil"-Züge verbinden zahlreiche beliebte Reiseziele in Italien miteinander, darunter Rom, Lamezia, Venedig, Bari und Verona, und verkehren sowohl auf Hochgeschwindigkeits- als auch auf Standardstrecken. Diese komfortablen Züge fahren mit einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 250 Kilometern pro Stunde (155 mph relativ), was den Frecciargento zu einer der zeitsparendsten Möglichkeiten macht, die Region zu bereisen. Um allen Abenteurern einen hohen Komfort während der Reise zu garantieren, gibt es zwei Klassen zur Auswahl: Zweite Klasse und Erste Klasse. Unabhängig von der Kategorie sind alle Wagen klimatisiert und mit geräumigen Sitzen, Steckdosen, Höflichkeitslampen, sauberen Badezimmern sowie speziellen Bereichen für großformatiges Gepäck ausgestattet. Darüber hinaus können die Fahrgäste während der Fahrt in den Restaurant-/Barwagen einsteigen, wo verschiedene Getränke und Snacks gekauft werden können.

Reiseklassen an Bord des Frecciargento Zuges


    This travel class offers comfortable seats with a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), a courtesy light on the seat, power sockets, and on some routes there is free WiFi. Seats are arranged 2 by 2, snacks and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. Seats for passengers with special needs are available as well.
    • trenitalia eurocity1
    • trenitalia eurocity2
    • trenitalia eurocity3

    1. Klasse

    This travel class offers comfortable seats with a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), a courtesy light on the seat, power sockets, and on some routes there is free WiFi. Seats are arranged 2 by 1, newspapers are provided on morning departures. A light snack with tea and water is included in the ticket price for departures from Sunday to Friday, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. Seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required
    • trenitalia eurocity1
    • trenitalia eurocity2
    • trenitalia eurocity3

    Business Class

    This travel class offers comfortable seats with a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat), a courtesy light on the seat, power sockets, and on some routes there is free WiFi. Seats are arranged 2 by 1, newspapers are provided on morning departures. A light snack with tea and water is included in the ticket price for departures from Sunday to Friday, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. Seats for passengers with special needs are available as well. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required