Wer plant, ausgiebig mit dem Zug zu reisen, wird höchstwahrscheinlich Züge von Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR) benutzen, die zu den beliebtesten Fernverkehrszügen gehören, die auf internationalen Strecken verkehren. Züge von Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR) bieten mehrere Zugklassen zur Auswahl, darunter die 1. und 2. In der 2. Klasse sind die Sitze in der Regel 2+2 in jeder Reihe, die 1. Klasse hat in der Regel Sitze 2+1. Alle Waggons der Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR)-Züge sind klimatisiert, haben bequeme Sitze und geräumige Ablagen für das Gepäck der Reisenden. Die meisten Züge verfügen über ein Bistro oder ein Restaurant, in dem die Reisenden während der Fahrt Speisen und Getränke kaufen können, sowie über Wagen mit Snacks, die ebenfalls zum Kauf angeboten werden. Außerdem spricht das Zugpersonal eine oder zwei Sprachen, darunter Englisch.

Reiseklassen an Bord des Haramain Highspeed Railway (SAR) Zuges

    • Haramain train
    • HHR 2
    • HHR 4

    1. Klasse

    Each Haramain High-Speed Railway train contains 113 business class seats, including two dedicated seats for people with special needs. The business class is provided with the highest levels of luxury and comfort as well as special services, such as very comfortable and spacious seats that include foldable armrest and tables, seat headrest, power plugs and a video screen.The cafeteria is located in the fifth coach of each train, food can be served as soon as the passengers start boarding the train. Customer’s dress code on board HHR trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA. Transporting animals is not permitted. Each passenger can bring one large-sized piece of luggage with up to 25 kg and with dimensions up to 65 x 55 x 35 cm (length-height-width). Besides, passenger will be able to carry one extra hand luggage: backpack, laptop bag, camera bag, purse, nursery bag and any similar items.

    • Haramain train
    • HHR 5


    The economy class features 304 comfortable seats at affordable rates suitable for all passengers that provide them foldable armrest and tables, seat headrest and power plugs.The cafeteria is located in the fifth coach of each train, food can be served as soon as the passengers start boarding the train. Customer’s dress code on board HHR trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA. Transporting animals is not permitted. Each passenger can bring one large-sized piece of luggage with up to 25 kg and with dimensions up to 65 x 55 x 35 cm (length-height-width). Besides, passenger will be able to carry one extra hand luggage: backpack, laptop bag, camera bag, purse, nursery bag and any similar items.