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VY Trains (früher NSB) oder Norwegischen Staatsbahnen ist eine nationale Eisenbahngesellschaft, die auf lokalen und regionalen Strecken in ganz Norwegen verkehrt und wichtige norwegische Städte wie Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim und einige andere verbindet sowie auf der internationalen Strecke Oslo - Göteborg fährt. Die modernen Regionalzüge sind für Fernreisen ausgelegt und bieten kostenloses WLAN, Steckdosen, bequeme Stoffsitze und Speisewagen mit Mahlzeiten und Snacks, die während der gesamten Fahrt erworben werden können, einige Züge haben Schlafabteile. Einige VY-Züge verfügen auch über Familienwagen, die speziell für Reisen mit Kindern konzipiert und mit einigen zusätzlichen Annehmlichkeiten wie Spielzimmern, Wickeltischen für Babys in den Badezimmern und Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten wie Büchern und Filmen ausgestattet sind.

Reiseklassen an Bord des NSB Zuges

    • NSB Night train 1st class sleeper (img 1)
    • NSB Night train 1st class sleeper (img 2)
    • NSB Night train outside


    This type of a 2-bed compartment onboard NSB trains can be also booked for a single traveler. Each cabin comes with 1 upper and 1 lower bed, a table, and shelves for your belongings. WiFi and media outlets are also at your disposal. Food and drinks can be purchased in a restaurant car. The coach is also equipped with facilities for people with special needs as well as provides the opportunity for bike and ski equipment transportation. It is also possible to travel with pets.

    • NSB Night train 1st class sleeper (img 1)
    • NSB Night train 1st class sleeper (img 2)
    • NSB Night train outside


    This is a 2-bed compartment in a sleeper coach of NSB train. Each cabin has 1 upper and 1 lower bed, a table, and shelves for your belongings. WiFi and media outlets are also at your disposal. Passengers can purchase food and drinks in a restaurant car. The coach is also equipped with facilities for people with special needs as well as provides the opportunity for bike and ski equipment transportation. It is also possible to travel with pets.

    • NSB Night train 1st class sleeper (img 1)
    • NSB Night train 1st class sleeper (img 2)
    • NSB Night train outside


    This is a 2-bed compartment in a sleeper coach of NSB train. Each cabin has 1 upper and 1 lower bed, a table, and shelves for your belongings. WiFi and media outlets are also at your disposal. Passengers can purchase food and drinks in a restaurant car. The coach is also equipped with facilities for people with special needs as well as provides the opportunity for bike and ski equipment transportation. It is also possible to travel with pets.