Moderne Thello-Züge
Das Reisen zwischen den faszinierenden Ländern Frankreich und Italien war dank der Thello-Züge noch nie so einfach! Zwischen diesen beiden beliebten Reisezielen bieten die Thello-Züge einen fantastischen Service und Komfort während der Fahrt, der jede reguläre Zugfahrt in ein aufregendes Abenteuer verwandeln kann. Um Ihre Reiseerlebnisse zu verbessern, bieten die Züge zwei Reiseklassen zur Auswahl an. Obwohl beide sehr gut ausgestattet sind, gibt es einige Vorteile der ersten Klasse, die Sie vor dem Kauf Ihrer Fahrkarten berücksichtigen sollten. Zum Beispiel mehr Beinfreiheit, ruhigere Atmosphäre und 2+1 Sitzanordnung (im Gegensatz zum 2+2 Schema der zweiten Klasse), um nur einige zu nennen. An Bord ist kein WLAN verfügbar, aber es gibt mehrere Steckdosen in jedem Waggon. Beachten Sie, dass es zwar in jedem Zug ein nettes Café gibt, in dem Sie Snacks, Tee/Kaffee sowie verschiedene alkoholfreie und alkoholische Getränke kaufen können, aber Sie dürfen Ihr Essen mit an Bord nehmen.
Reiseklassen an Bord des Thello Zuges
Business Class
This class on Thello trains offers comfortable seats with a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat) and power sockets. Seats of this type are arranged 2 by 1. Food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. Passengers can also indicate their preference to sit in a Silent Car of the train while booking the ticket. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
This class on Thello trains offers comfortable seats with a table (either foldable or not if it's a table seat) and power sockets. Seats of this type are arranged 2 by 2. Food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. Passengers can also indicate their preference to sit in a Silent Car of the train while booking the ticket. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments with 6 beds, ideally suitable for group travel. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket. A bed linen set, as well as tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments with 4 beds, ideally suitable for a family trip. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket. A bed linen set, as well as tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments for 1 traveler. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket and wash basin. A bed linen set, as well as a light meal, tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments for 3 travelers. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket and wash basin. A bed linen set, as well as a light meal, tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
This class on Thello trains offers sleeper compartments for 2 travelers. Each compartment is equipped with a power socket and wash basin. A bed linen set, as well as a light meal, tea/coffee and water, are included in the ticket price, additional food and drinks may be purchased in the train's Restaurant Car. The carrier declares that it conducts a thorough sanitation, cleaning and disinfection of all common areas on its trains, including surfaces, seats, handles, windows, tables, luggage compartments, bathrooms and operator cabins. Mask is required -
Beliebte Zugstrecken
Paris843 kmVenedigZüge pro Tag: 4|Beliebte Züge:
Venedig843 kmParisMailand301 kmMonacoMonaco
Monaco301 kmMailandMonaco
Züge pro Tag: 8|Beliebte Züge:BeNe
Mailand316 kmNizzaNizza316 kmMailandZüge pro Tag: 7|Beliebte Züge:BeNe
Nizza173 kmGenuaZüge pro Tag: 7|Beliebte Züge:
Genua173 kmNizza
Paris843 kmVenedigZüge pro Tag: 4|Beliebte Züge:
Venedig843 kmParis -
Mailand301 kmMonaco
Monaco301 kmMailandMonaco
Züge pro Tag: 8|Beliebte Züge:BeNe
Mailand316 kmNizzaNizza316 kmMailandZüge pro Tag: 7|Beliebte Züge:
Nizza173 kmGenuaZüge pro Tag: 7|Beliebte Züge:
Genua173 kmNizza