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Travel to Albufeira by Train

Albufeira is a city classified as the tourist capital of the southern part of Portugal, washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It was once an old fishing village and has become a popular holiday destination thanks to its beach and lively places with night attractions. Currently, local fishermen use a modern marina, which is also a base for diving, dolphin watching and boat trips. Local attractions include Albufeira Castle, the House of Mercy, and a Gun battery. The Old Town is the most picturesque part of Albufeira and its main attraction. The attention of tourists is attracted by the Moorish style of buildings - narrow streets bordered on both sides by white stone houses. Arab domination has remained in the distant past, reminding of itself with the only surviving arch - a fragment of an ancient mosque. Instead, the first Christian church in the city is now rising. One of the most attractive ways to view Albufeira's beauties is via the tour by Portugal's trains and admire the breathtaking landscapes and fantastic beaches while relaxing in the comfortable and well-equipped train!