Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
Timetable for
1k+ routes worldwide
Flexible payments
20+ methods
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Shortest travel time:
1 h 1 m
Longest travel time:
1 h 46 m
Lowest train ticket cost:
Avg. daily departures:
Earliest departure:
Latest departure:
Porto train stations
Campanha station
R. Pinheiro de Campanhã, 4300-173, Porto, Portugal
Vila Nova de Gaia-Devesas
Largo 5 de Outubro, 4400-089, Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto, Portugal
Campanha Bus Station
Estación Intermodal de Campanhá, Rue De Bonjóia, 691, Porto, Portugal
São Bento station
Praça de Almeida Garrett, 4000-069 , Porto, Portugal
115 km
Coimbra train stations
Coimbra-B station
Coimbra-B, Coimbra, Portugal
Coimbra-A station
R. António Granjo CP, 3000-034, Coimbra, Portugal

Porto to Coimbra Train Information

If you want to experience Portugal at its best on your way from Porto to Coimbra, taking a high-speed train is the most convenient and time-saving option. By choosing Alfa Pendular, you will cover a distance of 115 km (71 mi) and reach the Coimbra-B station in just 1 hour! The high-speed trains from Porto to Coimbra offer a great number of comfortable amenities, such as cozy roomy seats, WC's, individual power sockets, and minibar. There are also InterCity and Intercidades express trains that take you to the arrival station in about 1 hour 20 minutes. All totaled, there are 18 departures to select from, and using the Rail Ninja booking platform, you can easily check Porto to Coimbra train schedule and book your rail tickets.
Explore the whole variety of Portugal travel destinations with Triptile. Choose among the most amazing attractions and vacation spots and plan your Portugal trip within a few clicks!

Is there a direct train from Porto to Coimbra?

The Porto - Coimbra railway route is served by regional CP trains, express InterCity trains, and, the star of Portugal railway, high-speed Alfa Pendular trains. All of them can take you directly from Porto to Coimbra, although keep in mind that they boast different travel times and offer divergent services during the ride.

Is a train ride from Porto to Coimbra scenic?

Impossible to argue with the fact that Portugal is a very beautiful country boasting incredible diversity in terms of natural landscapes. A train ride from Porto to Coimbra is a great way to admire its beauty as it passes scenic lakes, picture-like dales, and numerous charming villages.

Porto to Coimbra Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
1 hrs 1 min
1 hrs 46 min
Afternoon trains
1 hrs 1 min
1 hrs 9 min
Evening trains
1 hrs 1 min
1 hrs 24 min

Trains from Porto to Coimbra

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Alfa Pendular
High-speed train
1 hrs 1 min
Express train
1 hrs 7 min
Regional train
1 hrs 24 min

Porto to Coimbra Train Review & Rating

Used this train for my rountrip ride during my holiday in Portugal. It departed on time and was clean.

Kyla T. about traveling from Porto to Coimbra