Seville to Cordoba (Spain) Train Information
It's impossible to go wrong by choosing to travel via a modern train from Seville to Cordoba as it's the most time-saving connection between the cities as well as among the best ways to admire the unique beauty of the scenic Andalucia region of Spain. All trains serving the Seville - Cordoba railway are fast and well equipped, they offer fantastic amenities and provide you with everything you need during the ride, including comfortable seats, more than generous legroom, and plenty of luggage space. Plus, the trains boast flawless punctuality and offer up to several daily departures to choose from, making planning a trip very easy. Learn all you need to know about the route and book your Seville to Cordoba rail tickets online with Rail Ninja.
Is there a high-speed train from Seville to Cordoba?
Yes, the Seville - Cordoba railway route is served by high-speed AVE trains that can take you between the cities in a matter of approximately 40 minutes. Apart from fast travel times, these modern trains boast excellent onboard amenities, providing everything you need for a comfortable ride.
Is a train ride from Seville to Cordoba scenic?
Yes, the railway route connecting the cities is a great way to see what Spanish nature has to offer, as it promises some amazing views along the way.
Seville to Cordoba (Spain) Train Timetable
Trains from Seville to Cordoba (Spain)
Seville to Cordoba Train Review & Rating
The train ride took somewhere atound 45 minutes, clean and on time
Jennifer T. about traveling from Seville to Cordoba
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