Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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1k+ routes worldwide
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20+ methods
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Shortest travel time:
7 h 59 m
Longest travel time:
11 h 50 m
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Helsinki train stations
Helsinki Central Station
Kaivokatu 1, 00100, Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki Airport
Lentoasemantie 1, 01530 Vantaa, Finland, Helsinki Airport, Finland
877 km
Rovaniemi train station
Rovaniemi Central Station
96100 Rovaniemi, Rovaniemi, Finland

Helsinki to Rovaniemi Train Information

Taking a Helsinki to Rovaniemi train is definitely one of the most convenient ways to travel from the Finnish capital to the magical region of Lapland. Speaking about the best option to select on the Helsinki - Rovaniemi railway, take advantage of traveling onboard the comfortable VR trains, run by Finnish Railways. There are about 4 daily departures from the Central Station in Helsinki to the Central Station in Rovaniemi. For your convenience, on this page, we have gathered answers to often asked questions about the route. To make the utmost of your Scandinavia travel, follow the innovative Scandivania trip planner and build your custom itinerary including the most gorgeous attractions of Scandinavia.

How long is the train ride from Helsinki to Rovaniemi?

The distance from Helsinki to Rovaniemi by train is about 880 km (547 miles). The travel time usually depends on the type of VR train you choose and varies from around 8 to 12 hours.

What is the best way to get from Helsinki to Rovaniemi, Lapland?

In case you plan to combine traveling with high-comfort and enjoying the picturesque Lapland scenery along the way, a train is the only alternative you should opt for. Take advantage of the ride onboard modern VR trains, offering great facilities and worry-free connections. Choosing among the trains, you can select the faster VR Intercity trains or immerse into the fairytale world, hopping on the Santa Claus overnight train.

How to book the overnight Santa train from Helsinki to Rovaniemi?

Setting off on a trip onboard the Santa Claus overnight train from Helsinki to Rovaniemi will definitely add to your experience. This Finnish overnight double-decker train is extremely popular during the winter season, taking you to Santa's Residence in Lapland, so it is recommendable to book your Helsinki to Rovaniemi train tickets for the Santa Express as far in advance as possible. Luckily, Rail Ninja is a platform which provides the opportunity to book your tickets as far as 2 years in advance which means that you'll enjoy the vacation of your dreams.

Helsinki to Rovaniemi Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
8 hrs 22 min
8 hrs 22 min
Afternoon trains
7 hrs 59 min
8 hrs 21 min
Night trains
10 hrs 17 min
11 hrs 50 min

Trains from Helsinki to Rovaniemi

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Santa Claus Express
High-speed train
11 hrs 50 min
High-speed train
7 hrs 59 min
Train with 1 change
10 hrs 17 min
8.4 / 10 based on 50 reviews

Helsinki to Rovaniem Review & Rating

Wonderful train adventure to Finnish Lapland.

Nathan U. about traveling from Helsinki to Rovaniemi