Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
Timetable for
1k+ routes worldwide
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Shortest travel time:
1 h 20 m
Longest travel time:
3 h 42 m
Lowest train ticket cost:
Avg. daily departures:
Earliest departure:
Latest departure:
Gumi train stations
258 km
Seoul train stations
Hangang-daero 23-gil, Yongsan District, Seoul, Yongsan, South Korea
Suseo Station
Suseo-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Gumi to Seoul Train Information
If breathtaking Seoul and alluring city of Gumi are both included in your South Korea itinerary, consider taking a train when traveling between these two destinations. Several trains are operating on this railway line, but without a doubt, the KTX bullet train has proven itself as the most time-saving option as it's top speed reaches 330 kph (205 mph)! Apart from short ride duration and high-class onboard facilities, this Gumi to Seoul train boasts an extensive schedule featuring more than 10 daily departures. Choose the departure time that matches your travel plans the most and book your Gumi to Seoul train tickets with Rail Ninja within a few clicks!
Gumi to Seoul Train Timetable
Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Trains from Gumi to Seoul
Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from

Bullet train
1 hrs 20 min

Express train
2 hrs 52 min

Intercity train
3 hrs 22 min
Gumi to Seoul Train Review & Rating
It was a great trip!
Ashley B. about traveling from Gumi to Seoul
Popular Train Routes From Gumi and Seoul
Filter by
Daejeon96 kmGumiGumi96 kmDaejeonDaegu40 kmGumiGumi40 kmDaeguGumi136 kmCheongju(Osong)Cheongju(Osong)136 kmGumi
Gumi183 kmCheonanCheonan183 kmGumiGumi139 kmJinjuJinju139 kmGumiSeoul310 kmDaeguDaegu310 kmSeoul
Daejeon160 kmSeoulSeoul160 kmDaejeonGwangju357 kmSeoulSeoul357 kmGwangjuSeoul41 kmSuwonSuwon41 kmSeoul
Yeosu382 kmSeoulSeoul382 kmYeosuSeoul356 kmSuncheonSuncheon356 kmSeoulMokpo371 kmSeoulSeoul371 kmMokpo
Seoul417 kmBusanBusan417 kmSeoulSeoul404 kmUlsanUlsan404 kmSeoulSeoul258 kmGumiBusan220 kmGumi
Gumi220 kmBusan
Filter by
Daejeon96 kmGumiGumi96 kmDaejeon
Daegu40 kmGumiGumi40 kmDaegu
Gumi136 kmCheongju(Osong)Cheongju(Osong)136 kmGumi
Gumi183 kmCheonanCheonan183 kmGumi
Gumi139 kmJinjuJinju139 kmGumi
Seoul310 kmDaeguDaegu310 kmSeoul
Daejeon160 kmSeoulSeoul160 kmDaejeon
Gwangju357 kmSeoulSeoul357 kmGwangju
Seoul41 kmSuwonSuwon41 kmSeoul
Yeosu382 kmSeoulSeoul382 kmYeosu
Seoul356 kmSuncheonSuncheon356 kmSeoul
Mokpo371 kmSeoulSeoul371 kmMokpo
Seoul417 kmBusanBusan417 kmSeoul
Seoul404 kmUlsanUlsan404 kmSeoul
Seoul258 kmGumiBusan220 kmGumi
Gumi220 kmBusan