Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
Timetable for
1k+ routes worldwide
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Shortest travel time:
5 h 43 m
Longest travel time:
5 h 43 m
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Prague train stations
Prague Main Station
Wilsonova 8, 110 00, Prague, Czechia
Partyzánská 1546/26, 17000, Prague, Czechia
Prague UAN Florenc
Křižíkova 2110/2b, 186 00 , Prague, Czechia
Prague Na Knížecí bus station
Smíchov, 150 00 Prague 5, Prague, Czechia
Prague Cerny Most bus station
Černý most, Autobusové nádraží, 198 00 , Prague, Czechia
403 km
Munich train stations
Munich Hauptbahnhof
Bayerstraße 10A, 80335, Munich, Germany
Munich Hauptbahnhof Gl.5-10
Bayerstraße 10A, 80335, Munich, Germany
Munich Hauptbahnhof Gl.27-36
Bayerstraße 10A, 80335, Munich, Germany
Munich Ost
Orleanspl. 11, 81667, München, Germany

Prague to Munich Train Information

It’s impossible to argue with the fact that a train ride is among the best ways to explore Europe and one of the most comfortable ones to travel between its major cities. And it’s hardly a surprise that the Prague - Munich railway route is one of the most popular travel options between the scenic Czech Republic and picturesque Germany. All trains on the route are fast and safe, they offer up to 3 daily departures, and boast impeccable punctuality. Plus the train stations are set within the city limits, making it very easy to get around.


How long does it take to get from Prague to Munich by train?

A high-speed train from Munich to Prague is one of the fastest ways to travel between these glorious cities. It can take you between the charming capital of the Czech Republic and the fairytale Bavarian capital in 5 and a half hours.

How scenic is the train ride from Prague to Munich?

The answer is “very”. On your way to charming Germany, you go through the impressive Upper Palatine Forest, cross the famous Danube River, ride through the heart of lovely Regensburg, and pass the beautiful Krivoklatsko Protected Landscape Area.

Prague to Munich Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
5 hrs 43 min
5 hrs 43 min
Afternoon trains
5 hrs 43 min
5 hrs 43 min

Trains from Prague to Munich

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Czech Railways
Czech Railways
High-speed train
5 hrs 43 min
9.7 / 10 based on 69 reviews

Prague to Munich Train Review & Rating

Liked the train, the 4 and a half hour connection was a wonderful choice

Barry I. about traveling from Prague to Munich