Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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1k+ routes worldwide
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1 h 55 m
Longest travel time:
1 h 55 m
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Milan train stations
Piazza Duca d'Aosta, 1, 20124, Milan, Italy
Rho Fiera
Viale degli Alberghi, 20017 Rho, Milan, Italy
Milano Rogoredo
Via Giovanni Battista Cassinis, 20139, Milano, Italy
Porta Garibaldi
Piazza Sigmund Freud, 20124 , Milano , Italy
Milano Lambrate
Piazza Enrico Bottini, 20133 Milano MI, Milano, Italy
Terminal Bus di Lampugnano
Via Giulio Natta 226, 20151 Milan, Italy
250 km
Do you know how many train stations are there in Florence? Read all you need to know about the rail hubs in the amazing city. 
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Florence train stations
Santa Maria Novella
Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 50123 , Florence, Italy
Campo Di Marte
Via Mannelli, 10-16, Firenze, Italy
Via Renato Fantoni, 50127, Firenze, Italy

Milan to Florence Train Information

Can you think of a more comfortable way to admire the breathtaking sceneries of the Italian countryside than onboard a modern bullet train, taking you from stylish Milan to beautiful Florence? Neither can we. Taking a train between the cities is not only a great way to admire the landscapes, but also one of the fastest ways to travel between the towns. The Milan - Florence train ride takes approximately 2 hours, and the trains provide up to 16 daily departures, making it very easy to plan your Italian voyage.

Is there a train from Milan airport to Florence?

Even though there are no direct trains available on this route, you can easily go from Malpensa Airport to the heart of the Renaissance by rail. Travelers are welcome to take advantage of the rail services leaving from Terminal 1 of the Airport and reaching Florence Santa Maria Novella (SMN) station via Milan Central Station. The whole journey will take you no longer than 6 hours.

What is the best way to get from Milan to Florence?

Certainly, train travel is among the easiest, fastest, and cheapest options to move between Milan and Florence. Favored not only by tourists but also by Italian citizens, well-equipped Italo express trains will bring you from one city center to another in just a bit less than two hours!

Milan to Florence Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
1 hrs 55 min
1 hrs 55 min
Afternoon trains
1 hrs 55 min
1 hrs 55 min
Evening trains
1 hrs 55 min
1 hrs 55 min

Trains from Milan to Florence

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Italo Treno
Bullet train
1 hrs 55 min
9.2 / 10 based on 53 reviews

Milan to Florence Train Review & Rating

Time onboard the Milan - Florence train flew by in one breath, highly recommend

Sarah F. about traveling from Milan to Florence