Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
Timetable for
1k+ routes worldwide
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20+ methods
Real human support
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Shortest travel time:
4 h 2 m
Longest travel time:
4 h 50 m
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Prague train stations
Prague Main Station
Wilsonova 8, 110 00, Prague, Czechia
Partyzánská 1546/26, 17000, Prague, Czechia
Prague UAN Florenc
Křižíkova 2110/2b, 186 00 , Prague, Czechia
Prague Na Knížecí bus station
Smíchov, 150 00 Prague 5, Prague, Czechia
Prague Cerny Most bus station
Černý most, Autobusové nádraží, 198 00 , Prague, Czechia
254 km
Vienna train stations
Vienna Hauptbahnhof
1100 Vienna Am Hauptbahnhof 1, Vienna, Austria
Vienna Meidling
Eichenstraße 25, 1120, Vienna, Austria
Vienna Rennweg
Ungargasse 66, Vienna, Austria
Vienna Westbahnhof
Europaplatz 2, 1150 Vienna, Austria

Prague to Vienna Train Information

The smartest way to travel from the Czech capital to the Austrian one is by taking a high-speed Prague to Vienna train. Because both the Prague Vaclav Havel Airport and the International Airport of Vienna are set out-of-town, extra time is needed to get to and from the city centers, thus making the train option a real vacation-timesaver.

Moreover, both of the rail stations are located in the heart of towns, measurably cutting down the overall travel time. Plus the Prague to Vienna train route is very scenic and passes picturesque regions of the Czech Republic and Austria. You can find out more about the route below.

How do I get from Prague to Vienna by train?

As mentioned previously, among the greatest advantages of traveling on a train from one capital city to the other is that both of the stations are set in the heart of town. The Praha hlavni nadrazi station in Prague (address: Wilsonova 300/8) and the central Wien Hauptbahnhof Vienna station (address: Alfred-Adler-Strasse, 107) are easily reachable by public transport or by taxi.

How long is the train ride from Prague to Vienna?

The duration of the rail journey on a Prague to Vienna train is around 4 hours which are spent onboard a high-comfort modern bullet train which offers spacious seats and plenty of luggage space, as well as great onboard amenities.

How to buy a train ticket from Prague to Vienna?

One of the easiest ways to book the ticket is online, f.e. on Rail Ninja it is possible to make bookings for departures as far as two years ahead, making planning your upcoming trip easy and worry-free! Alternatively, you may get your ticket directly on the train stations, note, that there may be limited or no availability.

How much does the train from Prague to Vienna cost?

As a rule, the prices for train tickets from Prague to Vienna differ depending on the coach class you wish to travel in, as well as other factors such as availability, how much time there is before the departure date, whether you're buying the ticket in advance or last-minute, etc. Generally, the prices start from about 60 USD.

Prague to Vienna Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
4 hrs 2 min
4 hrs 50 min
Afternoon trains
4 hrs 2 min
4 hrs 40 min
Evening trains
4 hrs 7 min
4 hrs 30 min

Trains from Prague to Vienna

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Regio Jet
Regio Jet
Intercity train
4 hrs 2 min
Czech Railways
Czech Railways
High-speed train
4 hrs 7 min
Regio Jet
Regio Jet
4 hrs 30 min
9.3 / 10 based on 43 reviews

Prague to Vienna Train Review & Rating

Found the journey splendid. It was a hassle free and enjoyable experience

Peter Gordman about traveling from Prague to Vienna