Seville to Valencia Train Information
Traveling from Seville to Valencia by train is definitely one of the most convenient options. Although all trains running between the cities are modern and rather well-equipped, the best option to take on the Seville - Valencia railway is high-speed Renfe trains. They offer up to 2 daily departures from the Santa Justa Station in Seville and provide the best onboard amenities, including cushy seats, plenty of legroom, and ample luggage space. Usually, the journey on a high-speed Seville - Valencia train takes just a bit less than 4 hours. Check the timetable, ticket prices and book the best trains with Rail Ninja - the most convenient online booking platform for European trains.
Is there a train from Seville to Valencia?
Yes, Seville and Valencia are connected by AVE high-speed train making it really easy to travel from one city to another by rail.
How far is Seville from Valencia, Spain?
To get from sun-kissed Seville to lovely Valencia by train, you have to traverse the distance of 540 kilometers or 335 miles.
Seville to Valencia Train Timetable
Trains from Seville to Valencia

Seville to Valencia Train Review & Rating
Was pleasantly surprised how fast time on board was
Annette J. about traveling from Seville to Valencia
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