Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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Although Roma Termini is the main railway station in Rome, it's far from being the only one. Find out what are the major train stations in Italy's capital.
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Rome train stations
Piazza dei Cinquecento, 1, 00185, Rome, Italy
00162 Rome, Italy, Rome, Italy
00154, Rome, Italy
Largo Mazzoni (Autostaz. Tiburtina)
Largo Guido Mazzoni, 00162 Rome, Italy
477 km
Milan train stations
Piazza Duca d'Aosta, 1, 20124, Milan, Italy
Rho Fiera
Viale degli Alberghi, 20017 Rho, Milan, Italy
Milano Rogoredo
Via Giovanni Battista Cassinis, 20139, Milano, Italy
Porta Garibaldi
Piazza Sigmund Freud, 20124 , Milano , Italy
Milano Lambrate
Piazza Enrico Bottini, 20133 Milano MI, Milano, Italy
Terminal Bus di Lampugnano
Via Giulio Natta 226, 20151 Milan, Italy

Rome to Milan Train Information

One of the best ways to travel from the capital of Italy to the glorious world fashion hub is, without a doubt, by choosing in favor of a high-speed train. All Rome to Milan trains are well-equipped, offer soft comfortable seats, large panoramic windows, as well as ample luggage space. Connecting the two cities from one center to the other in as little as 3 hours, the direct Rome to Milan high-speed trains boast dozens of daily departures to select from. The modern Italo bullet trains are the ones running on the route.

Where is it better to sit on a train from Rome to Milan?

Italo trains offer 4 seat classes: Smart, Comfort, Prima, and Club Executive. Regardless of the class you chose, all coaches are equipped with comfortable and spacious seats. When booking your Rome to Milan train ticket on Rail Ninja, you may indicate your seat preference, and we will do our best to get you the best available option taking into consideration the seat you'd like to have.

Rome to Milan Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
3 hrs 5 min
3 hrs 40 min
Afternoon trains
3 hrs 5 min
3 hrs 40 min
Evening trains
3 hrs 10 min
3 hrs 40 min

Trains from Rome to Milan

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Italo Treno
Bullet train
3 hrs 5 min
9.2 / 10 based on 75 reviews

Rome to Milan Train Review & Rating

The entire booking process was smooth and live chat support very helpful

Josefine Sabo about traveling from Rome to Milan