Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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1k+ routes worldwide
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5 h 27 m
Longest travel time:
8 h 53 m
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Stockholm train stations
Stockholm Central station
Centralplan 15, 11120, Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm City station
Centralplan 15, 11120, Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm Sodra station
Centralplan 15, 11120, Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm Cityterminalen
Sergelgången 41, 111 57 Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm Airport terminal
190 45 Stockholm-Arlanda, Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden
523 km
There are several rail hubs in charming Copenhagen. Check out the links below, to learn more useful information about train stations in Copenhagen.
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Copenhagen train stations
Copenhagen Central Station
Bernstorffsgade 16 - 22, 1577, Copenhagen, Denmark
Port of Copenhagen
DFDS Copenhagen Terminal, Dampfærgevej 30, 2100, Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen Ingerslevsgade
Ingerslevsgade, 1704 København V, Denmark
Copenhagen Busterminal
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 30, 1577 København V, Danmark, Copenhagen, Denmark

Stockholm to Copenhagen Train Information

Every year thousands of travelers choose tours to Scandinavia to explore Sweden and Denmark, and many prefer to combine both countries in one single trip. One of the smartest ways to make your way from Stockholm to Copenhagen is by hopping on a high-speed SJ train. The direct Stockholm to Copenhagen train, operated by the Swedish Rail, runs on a very scenic route and covers the distance between the capital of Sweden and the capital of Denmark in about 5 hours. Among the greatest benefits of traveling on the train is that it departs from and arrives at the Central Stations, located right in the city centers, therefore, there's no need to spend extra time on going to the outskirts of town to the airports nor to spend twice as many hours for the connection by bus. SJ bullet trains are modern, fast, have modern onboard amenities and several travel classes to select from. Moreover, there are about 6 departures every day for the convenience of travelers. Turn your railway ride from Stockholm to Copenhagen into the real journey. Explore the most fascinating attractions of Copenhagen and build a trip of your dream with the help of Scandivania trip planner.

Where does Stockholm to Copenhagen train stop?

Most of the SJ trains operating on Stockholm to Copenhagen route are direct, but some of the available rail connections require to change trains at Lund Central Station.

Is the train ride from Stockholm to Copenhagen scenic?

During your trip from Stockholm to Copenhagen, you get to see numerous stunning sceneries of the region while comfortably seated in the cozy train seat. Moreover, on your way from Malmoe to Copenhagen, you will see the monumental Oresund Bridge with the fantastic view of the sound and both cities!

How long is the train journey from Stockholm to Copenhagen?

The train journey from Stockholm to Copenhagen typically takes about 5 to 6 hours. The route is well-known for its comfort and efficiency, making it a popular choice for travelers between the two capitals.

Are there food and drink services available on the Stockholm to Copenhagen train?

Yes, the trains from Stockholm to Copenhagen offer onboard food and drink services. Passengers can enjoy a selection of snacks, meals, and beverages while traveling, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable journey.

Stockholm to Copenhagen Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
5 hrs 32 min
8 hrs 34 min
Afternoon trains
5 hrs 32 min
7 hrs 26 min
Evening trains
5 hrs 27 min
6 hrs 8 min
Night trains
7 hrs 52 min
8 hrs 53 min

Trains from Stockholm to Copenhagen

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Train with 1 change
5 hrs 32 min
Intercity train
5 hrs 53 min
Train with 2 changes
5 hrs 27 min
Train with 3 changes
7 hrs 7 min
9 / 10 based on 74 reviews

Stockholm to Copenhagen Train Review & Rating

SJ trains are a great choice. Fast and efficient.

Samuel Kornwell about traveling from Stockholm to Copenhagen