Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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2 h 15 m
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4 h 7 m
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Milan train stations
Piazza Duca d'Aosta, 1, 20124, Milan, Italy
Rho Fiera
Viale degli Alberghi, 20017 Rho, Milan, Italy
Milano Rogoredo
Via Giovanni Battista Cassinis, 20139, Milano, Italy
Porta Garibaldi
Piazza Sigmund Freud, 20124 , Milano , Italy
Milano Lambrate
Piazza Enrico Bottini, 20133 Milano MI, Milano, Italy
Terminal Bus di Lampugnano
Via Giulio Natta 226, 20151 Milan, Italy
280 km
Browse useful information about train stations in Venice and available amenities to be fully prepared for your unforgettable Italy trip!
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Venice train stations
Santa Lucia
Fondamenta Santa Lucia 30121, Venice, Italy
Viale Stazione, 30171, Venice, Italy

Milan to Venice Train Information

Italy is one of the most breathtaking countries in the world, and it would be a shame not to use the opportunity to see what it has to offer by crossing it on a train. And the picturesque Milan - Venice rail route is among the smartest ways to go as this rail is served by the bullet Italo and the Frecciarossa trains as well as the high-speed Frecciabianca trains. With so many options to choose from, it's no wonder that taking a train from Milan to Venice is among the most popular options for traveling between these cities. All trains are very well-fitted, boast great onboard amenities, broad departures schedules, and short travel times (the whole journey shouldn't take longer than 2 hours 30 minutes). The Rail.Ninja team wishes you a pleasant trip and hope that your Venice travel experience will be unforgettable. To make the most of your getaway we strongly suggest using Italy itinerary planner to create customizable trips all over Italy and other European destinations choosing among the hundreds of offers for each taste and budget.

Is there a high-speed train from Milan to Venice?

For the fans of traveling at high speeds, there are several express rail services available, including Frecciarossa and Frecciabianca Milan to Venice trains.

What is the best way to travel from Milan to Venice?

Save your precious vacation time and think about opting for a train when planning your trip from the world's fashion capital to the romantic city of Venice. All trains running on Milan to Venice rail route are noted for their exceptional punctuality and modern in-house facilities guaranteeing all passengers a relaxed journey. Moreover, both arrival and departure train station are centrally located, so that there is no need to arrange additional transfers.

Milan to Venice Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
2 hrs 17 min
2 hrs 17 min
Afternoon trains
2 hrs 15 min
2 hrs 17 min
Evening trains
3 hrs 56 min
3 hrs 56 min

Trains from Milan to Venice

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Italo Treno
Bullet train
2 hrs 15 min
9.2 / 10 based on 58 reviews

Milan to Venice Train Review & Rating

Perhaps, the easiest and fastest way to travel from Milan to Venice

Danny T. about traveling from Milan to Venice