Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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Browse useful information about train stations in Venice and available amenities to be fully prepared for your unforgettable Italy trip!
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Venice train stations
Santa Lucia
Fondamenta Santa Lucia 30121, Venice, Italy
Viale Stazione, 30171, Venice, Italy
204 km
Do you know how many train stations are there in Florence? Read all you need to know about the rail hubs in the amazing city. 
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Florence train stations
Santa Maria Novella
Piazza Santa Maria Novella, 50123 , Florence, Italy
Campo Di Marte
Via Mannelli, 10-16, Firenze, Italy
Via Renato Fantoni, 50127, Firenze, Italy

Venice to Florence Train Information

To enjoy the incomparable charm of Italy, consider hopping on a high-speed train from Venice to Florence. Several outstanding trains are operating on the route, including Frecciargento, Frecciarossa, and Italo. Regardless of the chosen type of train, using local rail service, you are welcome to take advantage of the modern onboard amenities and appreciate the superb Italian landscapes on your way to the final destination. On Rail Ninja, you can take a look at the detailed Venice to Florence train timetable and book your tickets according to your preferences and travel plans. Make your travel plans more far-reaching with Italy itinerary planner. Follow to explore the most popular Italy attractions and activities and build your own unforgettable trip!

Is there a high-speed train from Venice to Florence?

Yes, it's possible to travel from one of the most romantic cities in the world, spectacular Venice, to awe-inspiring Florence by high-speed train. Your options include Frecciargento and InterCity-Express high-speed trains as well as Frecciarossa and Italo Treno bullet trains.

Is a train ride from Venice to Florence scenic?

Italy is breathtaking, and exploring its wonders onboard a comfortable train is among the best ways to enjoy what it has to offer in terms of beautiful views. The Venice - Florence railway is surely a spectacular way to travel as it passes dozens of authentic Italian villages, scenic dales, seemingly endless vineyards, and goes through the charming city of Padua, the oldest city in northern Italy!

Venice to Florence Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
2 hrs 0 min
2 hrs 15 min
Afternoon trains
2 hrs 3 min
2 hrs 15 min
Evening trains
2 hrs 3 min
2 hrs 15 min

Trains from Venice to Florence

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Italo Treno
Bullet train
2 hrs 0 min
9.3 / 10 based on 56 reviews

Venice to Florence Train Review & Rating

Really clean and comfortable trains, central arrival and departure locations are indeed a perk

Dorothy S. traveling from Venice to Florence