Gyeongju to Seoul Train Information
If you are planning to travel through South Korea, taking a high-speed train is surely among the most convenient options to choose for the job. Famously, this amazing country boasts a very developed railway network linking all the major population centers. And train from Gyeongju to Seoul is among the best option to opt for as high-speed KTX (Korea Train Express) trains are serving this route. They offer great onboard amenities, such as comfortable seats, modern bathroom facilities, and vending machines. Plus, all KTX trains boast incredibly short travel time and offer up to 16 departures a day.
Which train station in Gyeongju goes to Seoul?
You can find your Gyeongju to Seoul high-speed train at Singyeongju Station, Hwacheon-ri, Geoncheon-eup. Take the line 70 bus to get to the station. The trip will take approximately 26 minutes.
Is there a high-speed train from Gyeongju to Seoul?
High-speed trains go from Gyeongju to Seoul every hour starting from 05:21 am. Having all the necessary onboard services passengers need and travel time of 1 hour 56 minutes, KTX high-speed train is a perfect option for convenient travel.
Gyeongju to Seoul Train Timetable
Trains from Gyeongju to Seoul

Gyeongju to Seoul Train Review & Rating
Very happy that I decided to travel on a train, it didn't take long to arrive to Seoul.
Donna K. about traveling from Gyeongju to Seoul
Popular Train Routes From Gyeongju and Seoul
Take the KTX high-speed train from Gyeongju to Seoul to discover the wonders of South Korea. Several features throughout the schedule make the trip easier: you can choose the best departure time and class, and you can relax in total comfort while you take in the scenery for approximately two hours. Are you ready to discover South Korea by train? Discover the most popular routes by checking the information below.
Daegu82 kmGyeongjuGyeongju82 kmDaeguGyeongju40 kmPohangSeoul310 kmDaeguDaegu310 kmSeoulDaejeon160 kmSeoul
Seoul160 kmDaejeonGwangju357 kmSeoulSeoul357 kmGwangjuSeoul41 kmSuwonSuwon41 kmSeoulYeosu382 kmSeoul
Seoul382 kmYeosuSeoul356 kmSuncheonSuncheon356 kmSeoulMokpo371 kmSeoulSeoul371 kmMokpoSeoul417 kmBusan
Busan417 kmSeoulSeoul404 kmUlsanUlsan404 kmSeoulSeoul335 kmGyeongjuBusan82 kmGyeongjuGyeongju82 kmBusan
Daegu82 kmGyeongjuGyeongju82 kmDaegu
Gyeongju40 kmPohangSeoul310 kmDaegu
Daegu310 kmSeoulDaejeon160 kmSeoul
Seoul160 kmDaejeonGwangju357 kmSeoul
Seoul357 kmGwangjuSeoul41 kmSuwon
Suwon41 kmSeoulYeosu382 kmSeoul
Seoul382 kmYeosuSeoul356 kmSuncheon
Suncheon356 kmSeoulMokpo371 kmSeoul
Seoul371 kmMokpoSeoul417 kmBusan
Busan417 kmSeoulSeoul404 kmUlsan
Ulsan404 kmSeoulSeoul335 kmGyeongju
Busan82 kmGyeongjuGyeongju82 kmBusan