Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
Timetable for
1k+ routes worldwide
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20+ methods
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Shortest travel time:
2 h 37 m
Longest travel time:
6 h 25 m
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Seville train stations
Sevilla Santa Justa
Calle Joaquín Morales y Torres, 41003, Seville, Spain
Plaza De Armas Bus Station
Avenida Cristo de la Expiación, s/n, Seville, Spain
Santa Justa Bus Station
Avenida Kansas City, s/n, Seville, Spain
390 km
The lively capital of Spain boasts quite a few busy train hubs. Check out everything you need to know about railway stations in Madrid.
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Madrid train stations
Pta. Atocha - Almudena Grandes
Plaza Emperador Carlos V, 28045, Madrid, Spain
Agustín de Foxá, 40, Madrid, Spain
Madrid - Atocha Cercanias
28045 , Madrid, Spain
Principe Pio
Paseo del Rey, 1092, Madrid, Spain
Madrid Estacion Sur
Calle Méndez Álvaro 84, 28045, Madrid, Spain

Seville to Madrid Train Information

One of the greatest time-saving ways of traveling in Spain is taking direct AVE high-speed trains. The rail network is very developed in this country, and the schedules boast numerous daily departures to select from. As such, those who plan to travel from the southern Andalucia region to the capital city choose in favor of the modern Seville to Madrid trains more and more as the trains are well-equipped, quick, and offer great views along the way. You can learn more about the Seville - Madrid train route below. And if you are planning to stay in Madrid for a few days, feel free to check out the Spain trip planner and build a custom itinerary of your dreams featuring the most striking attractions of sun-kissed Spain.

How to get from Seville to Madrid by train?

The Seville - Madrid bullet trains depart from Seville's Santa Justa Station and arrive at Madrid's Puerta de Atocha Station, both have great city-center locations. The train can travel at a maximum speed of 192 miles per hour, explaining it's super quick travel durations.

Why is a train a better option than a bus?

Apart from the indisputable advantage of wonderful onboard amenities, it is worth taking a Seville to Madrid train as it will save your time. The bus ride takes 6 hours, whereas the train ride is more than 2 times as fast. The trains are renown for running on schedule and you'll surely avoid being stuck in possible traffic jams. Plus, the prices for both transportation options are analogous, explaining the obvious price per value choice worth making.

How long is the train from Seville to Madrid?

The average travel durations on the route onboard a high-speed train are from 2 hours 30 minutes to 3 hours 5 minutes.

How to book a train ticket from Seville to Madrid?

Among the easiest ways to book your rail tickets is online. For instance, on the Rail Ninja platform, you may make your ticket booking for train departures as far as two years ahead.

How much is the train from Seville to Madrid?

In general, the price for a train ticket starts from approximately 76 USD. Of course, fares differ based on the chosen coach class, current availability, travel season, among others.

Which side of the Seville to Madrid train should you sit on?

Regardless of the side of the train you sit on, the seats will be equally comfortable and with great views. Therefore, it doesn't matter which one to choose for your trip.

Seville to Madrid Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
2 hrs 37 min
3 hrs 8 min
Afternoon trains
2 hrs 42 min
6 hrs 25 min
Evening trains
2 hrs 42 min
2 hrs 58 min

Trains from Seville to Madrid

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Bullet train
2 hrs 42 min
Bullet train
2 hrs 37 min
Train with 1 change
3 hrs 34 min
High-speed train
3 hrs 7 min
Train with 1 change
3 hrs 25 min
Intercity train
2 hrs 58 min
Express train
2 hrs 56 min
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9.8 / 10 based on 63 reviews

Seville to Madrid Train Review & Rating

Time flew by really quickly. Neat train, splendid views!

Jacob T. about traveling from Seville to Madrid