Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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5 h 32 m
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8 h 39 m
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There are several rail hubs in charming Copenhagen. Check out the links below, to learn more useful information about train stations in Copenhagen.
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Copenhagen train stations
Copenhagen Central Station
Bernstorffsgade 16 - 22, 1577, Copenhagen, Denmark
Port of Copenhagen
DFDS Copenhagen Terminal, Dampfærgevej 30, 2100, Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen Ingerslevsgade
Ingerslevsgade, 1704 København V, Denmark
Copenhagen Busterminal
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 30, 1577 København V, Danmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
523 km
Stockholm train stations
Stockholm Central station
Centralplan 15, 11120, Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm City station
Centralplan 15, 11120, Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm Sodra station
Centralplan 15, 11120, Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm Cityterminalen
Sergelgången 41, 111 57 Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm Airport terminal
190 45 Stockholm-Arlanda, Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden

Copenhagen to Stockholm Train Information

The fast Copenhagen to Stockholm train is a wise choice to travel between the capitals of Denmark and Sweden. The train ride takes approximately 5 hours and there are up to 6 departures every day to choose from. Among the greatest perks of the train from Copenhagen to Stockholm apart from the great onboard amenities is that the departure and arrival locations of the rail stations are in the city-centers, thus saving time and making it easy to get around. The SJ trains are modern and well-equipped, they have spacious seats, air-conditioning, free WiFi, and areas for luggage. The train also has a Bistro car where you can purchase food and beverages. Read more about the SJ high-speed train. Apart from arranging all connections, creating a perfect route is an inseparable part of any trip planning. Let your imagination get the best of you with Scandivania itinerary builder. Mix the amazing sights into one trip and get ready to dive into the Scandivania charms!

Is there a direct train from Copenhagen to Stockholm?

Yes, SJ trains provide direct rail connections between these outstanding Scandinavian destinations, so that the whole trip will take you around 5 hours.

Is the train ride from Copenhagen to Stockholm scenic?

If you are looking for a chance to witness the Scandinavia region's incomparable charm on your way to the selected destination, train travel is definitely among the top choices. The Copenhagen to Stockholm rail route takes you through some of the most beautiful areas of Sweden and Denmark, making the entire trip 100% worth it!

How often do trains run between Copenhagen and Stockholm?

Trains between Copenhagen and Stockholm run multiple times a day, with departures spaced throughout the day to accommodate different travel plans. This frequent service makes it easy to find a departure time that fits your schedule.

What amenities are available on the train from Copenhagen to Stockholm?

The trains from Copenhagen to Stockholm offer a range of amenities to ensure a comfortable journey. Passengers can enjoy spacious seating, free Wi-Fi, power outlets, and dining options on board, making the trip both convenient and enjoyable.

Copenhagen to Stockholm Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
5 hrs 33 min
8 hrs 36 min
Afternoon trains
5 hrs 32 min
8 hrs 10 min
Night trains
8 hrs 9 min
8 hrs 39 min

Trains from Copenhagen to Stockholm

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Train with 1 change
5 hrs 32 min
Intercity train
6 hrs 7 min
9 / 10 based on 74 reviews

Copenhagen to Stockholm Train Review & Rating

SJ trains are a great choice. Fast and efficient.

Samuel Kornwell about traveling from Copenhagen to Stockholm