Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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3 h 32 m
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5 h 47 m
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Gothenburg train stations
Gothenburg Central Station
Drottningtorget, 411 03, Gothenburg, Sweden
Goteborg Nils Ericsonterminal
411 03, Goteborg, Sweden
336 km
There are several rail hubs in charming Copenhagen. Check out the links below, to learn more useful information about train stations in Copenhagen.
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Copenhagen train stations
Copenhagen Central Station
Bernstorffsgade 16 - 22, 1577, Copenhagen, Denmark
Port of Copenhagen
DFDS Copenhagen Terminal, Dampfærgevej 30, 2100, Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen Ingerslevsgade
Ingerslevsgade, 1704 København V, Denmark
Copenhagen Busterminal
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 30, 1577 København V, Danmark, Copenhagen, Denmark

Gothenburg to Copenhagen Train Information

Choosing a train ride for your connection in Scandinavia means you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the breathtaking views outside the window as a high-speed Gothenburg to Copenhagen train crosses the bridge over the beautiful Oresund Strat, separating incredible Sweden from lively Denmark. All trains on the route boast impeccable punctuality and offer up to 20 daily departures. During the journey, you are welcome to take advantage of comfortable seats, big windows, light and spacious cabins, more than enough luggage space, electric sockets, and complimentary Wi-Fi.

How long does it take to get from Gothenburg to Copenhagen by train?

A direct train from Gothenburg to Copenhagen covers the distance between the cities in approximately 3 and a half hours. If you don’t mind traveling with a quick train change in the scenic city of Malmo, you can save some time and make the journey in approximately 3 hours.

Which train to take from Gothenburg to Copenhagen?

As stated earlier, there are two ways of traveling between these two cities on a train. First is a direct Oresundstag Intercity train, going from Gothenburg to Copenhagen. The second way is taking a comfortable SJ Train in Gothenburg to the Malmo Central Station, there you can board an Oresundstag train which can take you to beautiful Copenhagen. Although a train change seems inconvenient, choosing the second way allows you to reduce the travel time for half an hour.

How much is a train ticket from Gothenburg to Copenhagen?

If you choose to travel on the direct Intercity train, the ticket will cost you something in the range of 85-120 USD, depending on the class you prefer to travel in or how much in advance you book your tickets. But if you want to travel between the cities as quickly as possible (on an SJ high-speed train with a train change), you will be asked to pay approximately 80-110 USD for 2 tickets, depending on the same factors.

Gothenburg to Copenhagen Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
3 hrs 32 min
5 hrs 40 min
Afternoon trains
3 hrs 33 min
5 hrs 35 min
Evening trains
3 hrs 33 min
5 hrs 47 min

Trains from Gothenburg to Copenhagen

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Train with 1 change
3 hrs 32 min
Regional train
3 hrs 47 min
10 / 10 based on 56 reviews

Gothenburg to Copenhagen Train Review & Rating

The connection was very fast and easy, train on time

Courtney Y. about traveling from Gothenburg to Copenhagen