Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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1k+ routes worldwide
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20+ methods
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Shortest travel time:
4 h 10 m
Longest travel time:
6 h 0 m
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Xian train stations
Xian North station
9WGQ+3H Weiyang, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China , Xian, China
Xian station
Xincheng Qu, Xian Shi, Shaanxi Sheng, China, Xian, China
Xian West station
China, Shaanxi, Xi'An, Lianhu District, 建中巷32号 邮政编码: 710082, Xi'An, China
1134 km
Beijing train stations
Beijing South Station
Fengtai, Beijing, China
Central Station
Dongcheng, China, 100005, Beijing, China
Beijing West Station
Lianhuachi Donglu, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
Beijing Chaoyang Railway Station
Near Yaojiayuan North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Xian to Beijing Train Information

Without a doubt, Xian to Beijing train travel is a great opportunity to see China at its best. Experience a journey from one of the oldest cities in China to its capital on comfort nigh train or Fuxinghao bullet train. The first will carry you to the capital in 11 hours 37 minutes through the distance of 1134 km (705 mi) and the Fusinghao bullet train will deliver you to Beijing in just 4 hours and 25 minutes. Despite such differences in travel time, all trains are to provide you with the utmost comfort. And with up to 12 departures per day, you won’t miss your chance to plan everything ahead and book Xian to Beijing train tickets with Rail.Ninja.

Xian to Beijing Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
4 hrs 17 min
5 hrs 28 min
Afternoon trains
4 hrs 11 min
6 hrs 0 min
Evening trains
4 hrs 10 min
4 hrs 17 min

Trains from Xian to Beijing

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
China Railway
China Railway
Bullet train
4 hrs 10 min
9.2 / 10 based on 1 review

Xian to Beijing Train Review & Rating

That was a remarkable train travel. The train was on time, comfortable and relaxing.

Kira Mangold about traveling from Xian to Beijing