Barcelona to Valencia Train Information
Planning to take a train from Barcelona to Valencia?Experience Spain at its best and choose the most convenient option for your Barcelona - Valencia journey. Direct high-speed Euromed and Talgo trains run by Renfe depart from the Sants station in Barcelona and take you to the Joaquin Sorolla Station in Valencia in about 3 hours reaching the maximum speed of 192 miles per hour. There are up to 10 daily departures depending on the weekday. You can check the detailed Barcelona to Valencia train timetable and book rail tickets with Rail Ninja, curated route planning, expert advice & online booking platform for European trains. Make your travel plans more saturated with Spain itinerary planner. Explore the most popular Spain attractions, browse the extensive collection of available activities and build your own unforgettable trip!
What is the best way to travel from Barcelona to Valencia?
A high-speed train operated by Renfe is, without a doubt, the best option to consider. Fast and comfortable, a modern train is the most time-saving connection for traveling between the cities. It offers great onboard amenities and an extensive timetable, making planning a trip very easy.
Is there a high-speed train from Barcelona to Valencia?
Yes, there is. In fact, there are two high-speed trains running between the cities to choose from. You can travel via a Talgo express train or a Euromed high-speed train (approximate travel time is 2 hrs 40 min).
How often do trains run between Barcelona and Valencia?
Trains between Barcelona and Valencia run frequently throughout the day, with multiple departures available to suit various travel schedules. This flexibility makes it easy to find a train that fits your itinerary.
What amenities are available on the train from Barcelona to Valencia?
The high-speed trains from Barcelona to Valencia offer a range of amenities, including comfortable seating, WiFi, power outlets, and onboard dining options. These features ensure a pleasant and convenient journey for all passengers.
Trains from Barcelona to Valencia