Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
Timetable for
1k+ routes worldwide
Flexible payments
20+ methods
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Shortest travel time:
5 h 9 m
Longest travel time:
7 h 18 m
Lowest train ticket cost:
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Latest departure:
Valencia train stations
Joaquin Sorolla
Carrer de Sant Vicent Màrtir, 171, 46007, Valencia, Spain
Estació del Nord
Carrer d'Alacant, 25, 46004, Valencia, Spain
Sant Isidre
46014, Valencia, Spain
Valencia Bus Station
Av. de Menéndez Pidal, 11, Valencia, Spain
469 km
To fully prepare for the upcoming trip, learn everything you need to know about train stations in Malaga, in-house facilities, and available rail services.
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Malaga train station
Maria Zambrano
Explanada de la Estación, s/n, 29002, Malaga, Spain

Valencia to Malaga Train Information

Impossible to argue with the fact that Spain is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Home to majestic Mount Teide, Mirador del Rio, and Ronda, this place is a dream travel destination for any visualist. And it's hard to think of a better way to explore Spain's beauty than a comfortable train ride across the country. For example, a fast and modern train is among the smartest ways to travel from Valencia to Malaga as all trains serving the route are very fast and offer everything you might need for a comfortable ride, including cushy seats, ample legroom, and generous luggage space. You can find all the important information about the trains from Valencia to Malaga and book your tickets on Rail Ninja.

Valencia to Malaga Train Timetable

Train type
Fastest trip
Longest trip
Morning trains
5 hrs 9 min
6 hrs 54 min
Afternoon trains
5 hrs 53 min
7 hrs 18 min

Trains from Valencia to Malaga

Brand name
Train type
Travel time
Price from
Train with 1 change
5 hrs 9 min
Train with 1 change
6 hrs 54 min
9.9 / 10 based on 52 reviews

Valencia to Malaga Train Review & Rating

The journey of less than 5 hours worked out well for me

Diana B. about traveling from Valencia to Malaga