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Travel to Faro by Train

Faro is the most famous city in the famous Portuguese region of Algavre. There is an archaeological museum and the "Bishop's Residence" - the Renaissance Cathedral, which was destroyed by bombing during World War II, but later restored. In nearby Ashton, you can see ancient Roman ruins, and nearby is the city of Albufeira, which grew out of an ancient fishing village, which was influenced by Moorish culture in the VIII century. It is located among the cliffs and is famous for its 20 beaches and lively nightlife. Despite the fact that Faro has a lot of interesting things to do for all travelers - from history buffs to gourmets and adventurers - the city is still mostly unexplored by tourists, which gives the trip a much more intimate and authentic spirit. One of the most convenient ways to view Faro's beauties is via the tour by Portugal's trains and admire the breathtaking landscapes and fantastic beaches while relaxing in the comfortable and well-equipped train!