150 km
Biarritz train station
Biarritz Central Station
Allée du Moura, 64200 , Biarritz, France
Bilbao to Biarritz Train Information
Planning a trip from Bilbao to Biarritz? Experience the best coastal views of northern Spain coupled with the allure of French countryside during your Bilbao - Biarritz train journey. In the absence of a direct train, the rail trip from Bilbao to Biarritz has 2 train changes. As a rule, the overall journey from one city to another takes around 6-7 hours.
Bilbao to Biarritz Review & Rating
We have only positive memories of this journey
William A. about traveling from Bilbao to Biarritz
Popular Train Routes From Bilbao and Biarritz
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Trains per day: 8|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 6|Popular trains:SNCF
Trains per day: 11|Popular trains:Transport express régional
Trains per day: 10|Popular trains:SNCF
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Trains per day: 8|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 6|Popular trains:SNCF
Trains per day: 11|Popular trains:
Transport express régional
Trains per day: 10|Popular trains:SNCF