Rail Ninja is a reservation service for booking train tickets online. It is not a rail carrier, does not own or operate any trains, and does not represent an official website of any railway company. It is a commercial business that makes it easier for you to book train tickets online.
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1k+ routes worldwide
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5 h 34 m
Longest travel time:
5 h 38 m
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There are several rail hubs in charming Copenhagen. Check out the links below, to learn more useful information about train stations in Copenhagen.
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Copenhagen train stations
Copenhagen Ingerslevsgade
Ingerslevsgade, 1704 København V, Denmark
Copenhagen Busterminal
Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 30, 1577 København V, Danmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
485 km
Aalborg train station
Copenhagen to Aalborg Train Information
Denmark is indeed a beautiful European country with something to see in practically every city, luckily, they are easily connected by railway. Trains running on the Copenhagen - Aalborg rail route usually have at least one daily departure and pass numerous towns along the way, including Roskilde, Odense, and Aarhus. What is more, the Danish trains from Copenhagen to Aalborg boast wonderful onboard amenities with air-conditioning and plenty of luggage space.
Copenhagen to Aalborg Train Timetable
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Longest trip
Trains from Copenhagen to Aalborg
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Travel time
Price from

Train with 2 changes
5 hrs 34 min
Copenhagen to Aalborg Train Review & Rating
We took the evening train and arrived in a timely manner
Jason M. about traveling from Copenhagen to Aalborg
Popular Train Routes From Copenhagen and Aalborg
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Trains per day: 25|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 20|Popular trains:SJ
Trains per day: 5|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 6|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 24|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 27|Popular trains:SJ
Trains per day: 85|Popular trains:SJ
Trains per day: 135|Popular trains:SJ
Trains per day: 19|Popular trains:
Danish Rails
Trains per day: 11|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 21|Popular trains:IC
Trains per day: 20|Popular trains:IC
Filter by
Trains per day: 25|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 20|Popular trains:SJ
Trains per day: 5|Popular trains:
Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 6|Popular trains:Deutsche Bahn
Trains per day: 24|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 27|Popular trains:SJ
Trains per day: 85|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 135|Popular trains:SJ
Trains per day: 19|Popular trains:
Danish Rails
Trains per day: 11|Popular trains:
Trains per day: 21|Popular trains:IC
Trains per day: 20|Popular trains: